17. Pinky swear.

113 6 120

A.N: Hehehe...
Tw: !suicide, blood!
I'm pretty happy with this chapter it's 3000+ words so strap in.

Play song when it says play song. ObViOuSlY 🙄

Enjoy you beautiful Water lilies


The stars shining down on the two of us while we soar down a backroad. My eyes watching the yellow lines blur into one. I look over at Harry in his shorts and t-shirt. A normal guy sitting right next to me, that's what he looks like.

  I watch the pitch black contrast with him, his ring covered hands on the wheel. You adore worthy soul. I can't help but admire him the soft sounds of the radio invading our space. I smile at him even though he's not looking.

  "Where are we going? Taking me out to kill in the woods or something?" I watch the smirk pull onto his face.

  "I guess there is nothing more romantic then dying with your friends." He cracks letting laughter pour out like butterflies in migration floating all around us.

  When the road turns to gravel and the world around us becomes a forest, I'm not even surprised, in fact my eyes don't leave his side profile. How could I be surprised? Magic. That's what all of this is an illusion, that I'm going to let be reality for as long as I can.

  When the car pulls to a stop I glance at him for answers.

  "Don't." He stops me before I can speak I shut my agape mouth. "Just get out." I mimic him unbuckling and stepping out of the car.

"Just get out." I mimic under my breath.

  A lake.

"What was that?" He questions.

"Nothing." I almost whisper the air almost as if knocked from my lungs.

I really beautiful lake. The stars mirror on the surface. I stare in awe of the beauty not able to multitask. I hear the crunch of the gravel turn to sand as I slowly get closer. Harry's shoulder bumps my own a reminder that I share this sight with another. The beautiful trees beyond set a remarkable sky line.

  "It's beautiful." I state my eyes not leaving the grandiosity of the water.

  "I was having horrible night, started driving, trying to clear my head ended up here. I sat down and told the lake my problems maybe I didn't get answers but I felt better." His arm gestured out at the sight. He drops to the floor next to me. "So talk to the lake care bear?" I sit down beside him.

  "How do I start? Should I say hi...or?" I'm not trying to upset the lake. I plop down beside him crossing my legs.

  "How ever you want?" He grins not able to take me seriously.

  "Hi I'm Roslyn Harper Whales, let me start by saying you are a beautiful lake. I grew up by the coast with a lovely sister who loved to paint and loved painters. I have two parents that I appreciate dearly for raising me and feeding me." I swallow down the tears begging to pour out. "Harry I don't think the lake will like this part." I turn my head to him finally remembering his presence.

"Then you can be done if it's to much that's okay." I scoot closer leaning against him. The support of him much needed as I speak my pain into the translucent waters that currently acts as a reflector of the stars.

"My sister tried, she attempted at 13 but she got better. We were talking worked things out she saw a therapist. I supported her to no end." The tears sneakily slide down my cheeks an unwanted side effect of sadness. "I was;

Until next time {H.S.}Where stories live. Discover now