14. I like this a lot better.

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A.N: This is a bit of a short chapter but I hope the double update makes it better. Enjoy this chapter while you can koala bear ;)

Harry's POV:

When she walked out in my clothes I think I might have actually got butterflies. It makes me want to smile for some reason seeing her like this. With no shoes, no jewelry, just my clothes on her looks good. The way she creeps out of my room in such a sneaky manner walking towards my door makes my brows furrow and my lips pout.

"What are you-?" She sets them down by my shoes. I can't help but smirk at her still not over the fact she's in my clothes.

"I wanted to take them off when I came in but I couldn't. You have this system and I'm just jamming it up so." She shrugs her shoulders laughing softly till it turns into a horribly hidden yawn.

"Come on." I stand walking into my room again. Straight to the the master bathroom that has duel sinks. I pull open a drawer from the middle digging out a new toothbrush. "I can't ever sleep if I don't brush my teeth." I hand her the tooth brush watching her fumble with the packaging. "Let me." I rip the plastic in half for her while she looks at me in awe.

"How did yo- it was- but- oh I loosened it for you." She lightly shoves my shoulder.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night care bear." I shake my head lightly at her.

I hand her the toothpaste first watching her place it and stuff the tooth brush in her mouth, only to motion to let her put the tooth paste on mine as well. She smiles at me proudly closing it and placing it on the counter as we brush our teeth with dumb smiles on our faces. I don't think either of us have brushed our teeth with someone else before. Her mouth full of tooth paste as she swished the brush around her teeth the minty smell licking up into the air. With those tired puffy eyes begging for bed. It's such a particular feeling looking at each other with dumb smiles and soapy mouths.

  I could see us doing this a lot. I'd be okay with that. I barely know anything about her, yet I could see myself falling in love with her maybe in the future. I already like her a lot,

  I mean she's at my house for heavens sakes. I barely let the band here this is disconnected from everything. My music is my life but to much of anything makes you hate it. So I like to keep it apart from certain aspects of my life which includes my house. Yet I brought her home.
  What if part of me wants her to be separate with me?


Crawling into bed with each other we both act like school kids being as far away as we can. I don't miss her things on my dresser that make me smile to myself. I can't think to sleep like this, in the same bed with her so I speak into the feather light silence.

"Rose?" My voice only a whisper. She turns herself facing me.

"Yes, Harry." It's nerve wrecking everything I do thinking I'm going to far. I tease and play but part of me is frightened she doesn't like me.

"Can you?" I lift the blanket beside me in gesture. She doesn't hesitate to come closer, once in reach I bring her to me snuggling my head into her neck, while I nudge my legs between hers.

We tangle in each other underneath soft sheets, hearts beating for each other with an orchestra of melody.

I can't help but let out a satisfied sigh with her fingers in my hair. "I like this a lot better." I whisper into her lavender scented skin.

"Me too." She combs through my hair with her hands in the most soothing way. My fingertips trace lazy lines on her side where my shirt scrunch's up. "I like the picture on your nightstand." For some reason we speak in a whisper as we don't want the world to hear our secret conversations.

"Thank you, its one of my favorites." I murmur feeling more drowsy by the second.

"Yeah?" It's such a soft reply that floats around in my head.

"Yeah." I fall asleep, despite my fight so I could feel her arms around me in this way.


  My eyes open adjusting to the soft light pouring into the room from the narrow slit in my curtains. I bring one of my arms to my face rubbing my eyes. I hear the soft breathing of an angel tangled in my sheets. I glance down to my bare chest seeing the chestnut curls sprawl out. The peaceful face, of her resting features are photographed in my mind. I want to get up and make her tea or eggs and bacon or pancakes whatever she'd like something that'd cause her to stay minutes more but I can't seem to extract myself from being here.

She always seems so tired herself I couldn't wake this sleeping beauty. She shifts causing me to hold my breath. I swear she could hear my heart beating to loudly like a drum it's sure to wake her. She tugs the blanket with her rolling deeper into my hold, her face in my neck. I relish in the feeling, shutting my eyes in bliss.

It's the most innocent thing laying this way with someone. Nothing sexual or lustful it's a pure affection. It feels almost foreign being this close only admiring the sound of her breath and her control of the blanket she clutches.

All my senses consumed by her the only thing I could feel was her body in my arms, her lavender scent mingled with mine filling the air, the sound of her soft breathing, I could almost taste the cherry on her lips last night despite having brushed my teeth.

The taste seems to linger like an after taste as does she in my mind no matter her absence.

I finally gain control of myself untangling from Rosey. I couldn't wake her up with me constant shifting around. I pull a pair of sweat pants out of my drawer tying them lazily around my hips just enough that they would stay. I ruffle a hand through my hair taming it, while I walk to my kitchen. Deciding on pancakes seeing as she had told me she liked them in passing at the coffee shop.


The groggy "good morning" that comes from behind me almost makes me drop the last pancake on the floor.

"Oh good morning care bear, would you care for a pancake?" I smile lazily letting my eyes meet the sight of a messy haired, puffy eyed, sleepy, Rose.

"Yes, please." Her voice still asleep along with her drooping eyes.

She seats herself at the bar whilst I pull out the syrup. I slide her a plate of pancakes watching her smile slightly at the food. I walk around till I'm behind her setting the syrup down so she could pour her recommended amount. I rest my arms around her torso lightly resting my head beside hers. She brings a reasonable bite to her mouth.

"How's it taste?" I question hoping it's well enough.

"See for yourself koala bear." She brings a bite to my lips. With a little smirk on her face. I chew brows furrowed at the nickname. "What you cuddle like a koala bear?" She shrugs cutting herself another bite.

"I like it." I grin at her, as she feeds me another bite.


A.N: I'm sorry but that is the most adorable thing ever. Care bear and koala bear please my heart.

Until next time {H.S.}Where stories live. Discover now