15.Cherries and strawberries on top.

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A.N:  !Trigger warning blood and violence.!

  I would play the song now honestly but do as you please. I appreciate you and enjoy you little pillow pet.

Roslyn's POV:

Here I sit on the bathroom floor in a puddle of blood. My crimson covered hands hold a steel knife till my knuckles turn white. They shake so rapidly as I focus on the sight in front of me. The blood pools around her red coats the corner of the counter. I wasn't here to save her this time. She lay lifeless, pills scatter the floor. Her stomach torn to shreds from what looks like my own knife.

I stand turning to view the mirror in front of me to look at my reflection. I watch my mirror a clean looking me, she stands behind me alive. My reflection turns facing her only to bring the knife up stabing her. Over and over and over again. The red soon covers everything splattering the walls in small droplets.

"STOP!" I scream. "NO! DONT!" I drop the knife from my hands slamming my fists into the mirror."PLEASE! STOP! DONT HURT HER." I beg. She screams begging for it to stop. My reflection shows no remorse as it continues.

"Take the pain away! What did I do to you?!" Till she can't scream anymore.

I turn from my reflection sinking down to the view of her. Once again she lay lifeless on the floor in front of me. "PLEASE!" She screams, through the mirror behind me. I sit on the floor bringing my knees to my chest, covering my ears. I still hear her scream, while my reflection grunts, the sound of the knife entering her skin repeatedly. My eyes can't tear themselves from her. The lifeless bodies head turns her head looking at me. My hands cover my ears but I'm not allowed to muffle the sound. She looks at me and clear as day I can hear her "this is your fault." The room behind me finally falls silent with the thud of what I can only assume is the dead body hitting the floor. I have to look I stand turning once more to the mirror. This time we match everything identical the body, the blood, the knife that found it's way back to my hand. "That's because we are the same." My reflection speaks out.


I wake up in a cold sweat, my body shakes completely. Usually I can feel these types of nights coming on. I can prepare for them but sometimes there is no warning and the dreams find me in an innocent sleep. Like a monster that crawls from under my bed in the deep hours of the night digging it's claws deep into my skin to remind me of the never ending peril that I won't escape.

Always the same type of dream, me killing her. I sit up my back against the head board. I bring my knees to me. Sometimes I control myself and recognize the dream sometimes I'm forced to kill her myself. Always the mirror no matter the setting, it always ends in the bathroom again the lifeless body on the floor.

My hands shake as I search for my phone in the dark. My breathing already spiking, I clutch my phone, the light blinds my surely blood shot eyes. I can't see at all my hands shaking and my eyes blinded by the new light. I must call someone but I quickly recognize I have, ending the call. That's the last thing I need having to explain this to someone. I jump from the bed my whole body on fire in these clothes. I throw my phone face down pacing the room. It's no use I can't stop this one.

It's always my fault I did it the bloods on my hands. I wasn't there for her I should have been at her door. My tears stain my cheeks as my shaky legs carry me back and forth. I have to breathe in and out. My hands thread into my hair. I can't seem to focus on anything every thought, clouding my head causing me to shake worse.

"Cus you left me in the hallway." I mutter to myself trying to focus. I fumble for my phone knowing what I'm searching for. The song plays through the room as I sit on the floor rocking back and forth in an attempt to sooth myself. The pausing of the music doesn't help as my phone vibrates. My heavy breathing only picks up. I slap the mattress for my phone trying to shut off the slightest noise. When I see the contact being Harry my breathing only picks up. My fingers struggle to slide the accept.

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