Chapter 11

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Flo steered Calvin's car to the curb and the two women sat looking at the apartment tower.

Flo steered Calvin's car to the curb and the two women sat looking at the apartment tower

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"Are you sure it's here?"

"This is his address, Flo. C'mon, and remember . . . confidence." Portia stepped out of the car and strode boldly to the front entrance, pausing and turning to wait for her friend.

"Flo . . .? She stared as Flo and Rodney marched timidly ahead of the thug that had come to David's apartment.

"How nice. You save me trouble." Yegor's smile was frightening.


"I- he came to my office and threatened me, Portia. When we got to Florence's we saw you both leave in that car."

"Get inside, all of you." Yegor shoved the group toward the door.

"Just what do you want anyway." Portia scowled, resisting the shove.

"You want hurt, I give hurt. Move."

"Do as he says, Portia. You're not helping anything by being belligerent."

"Me belligerent!"

"Elevators, everybody, now." Another push and they huddled toward the elevator banks.

" Another push and they huddled toward the elevator banks

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Dennis looked up and his face turned to thunder. "What the hell is this?"

"That's what we would like to know," Portia immediately directed her temper at Dennis. "This gorilla forced us into this building and up here–"

"Shut up! I wasn't talking to you." He aimed a finger at Yegor.

"She is one who met Garber . . . and this one." Yegor shoved Flo forward.

"Who's he?"

"He is my lawyer and you better get ready to have your–"

"I told you to shut up." Dennis glowered. "What's he doing here?"

"He is brother."

Yegor explained in painful English what had happened and how they all arrived together.

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