Chapter 18

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nstead of jail cells, which had been anticipated, Portia and David were taken to a large conference room at the station where they were surprised to see Rodney, Mildred, Flo and even Ellie - notably absent was Kitty O'Halloran. The other people were Karl Hagen, black eyes glaring through the bandages on his face and a shaken looking Captain Akardy.

Several uniformed police stood about the room at ease and four plainclothes detectives were seated at a well-worn table.

"Take a seat please." The eldest of the plainclothes said.

"May I ask what this all-?"

"No. Sit."

Portia sat, choosing a chair between her brother and Flo, hoping to hear an explanation from her friend. Flo gave a quick shake of her head.

"Mr. Karl Hagen and Captain Solomon Akardy have given statements stating you, Miss DeLysle, fired the gun that killed police officer Martin O'Brien earlier today in Mr. Hagen's office. As well, we have information that you were also present at the killings in Miss Emanuel's apartment at St. Lukes."

"That's not-" Portia felt the squeeze on her arm from her brother.

"And you, Mr. Ashby assaulted Mr. Hagen without cause, inflicting the damage apparent here."

David glanced at Rodney and remained silent.

"We would like to hear your version of the events please - Mr. Ashby?"

Another glance at Rodney and David took a deep breath. "If I am required to tell my side then it will be from the very beginning or not at all."

"We aren't going anywhere, Mr. Ashby."

"Very well." He took another breath and began.

An hour later, after several explosive interruptions by Karl, David ended his statement with their arriving at the hospital.

"Would you care to fill in your involvement, Miss DeLysle?"

Portia whispered something to Rodney and listened carefully to his whispered reply.

"Are you going to say you want a lawyer now?"

"No, this is my brother." She took her cigarette holder out of her purse and the intention was denied by one of the detectives.

"No smoking in here."

She made a production of putting it away.

"Miss DeLysle . . .?" The name was spoken with waning patience.

"Very well."

Portia's version supported most of David's with the addition of her separate role in the story. Mildred was asked if she agreed and she nodded. When it came to the shooting of Yegor, Portia described such a dramatic and dangerous episode the detectives waved her to a halt and huddled for their own whispered conversation.

"You don't have to lay it on quite so thick, Miss DeLysle. We've already verified most of what happened with our forensic examination, the help of these other ladies, and them." The detective aimed a thumb over his shoulder at Hagen and Akardy. He paused and looked over some notes. "Officers if you will take these people out except for Miss Emanuel and Miss DeLysle"

Rodney protested but lost as he and the others were ushered from the room. Two detectives remained with the two women and when the room was cleared Portia started up again, silenced by a firm hand slapping the table.

"Sorry, but you don't seem to respond well to requests." He shuffled his notes again and looked at the women. "This is Agent Tom Brower and I am Agent James Hutt. We are FBI and not a word of what I am about to tell you leaves this room. If even a breath gets out you'll both find yourselves in a federal prison without the luxury of a trial. Am I understood?"

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