Chapter 12

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David slipped the money from Rolly into his desk drawer and locked it. He sat for a moment and gathered his thoughts. He was done being a part of the scheme even if it meant his job. With shaky confidence he left his office and headed for home, focusing on cleaning up the mess left by the break-in.

When he arrived he couldn't believe his phone was ringing. Had Rolly found out already? He found the phone under some papers and hesitated, rehearsing briefly what he might say, then he answered.

"David! Why are you home and not at work?"

"Why did you call me here then? I'm making some life decisions, Portia. And I don't have time for lunches or dinners or whatever you had in mind."

"David you have to get out of there and come to Flo's! You can stay here."

'I'm staying with Ellie . . ."

"What? Staying? Ellie?"

"Yes, I told her about the break-in and she's letting me bunk there until I get sorted, and right now that's what I have to do."

He heard raised voices in the background as was about to hang up when Flo came on the line.

"David this isn't about you staying here, it's about you getting out of your apartment fast and getting over here."

"Why?" He sighed.

In a few short sentences, Flo told him what they had done and the disastrous outcome, and David slammed down the phone, grabbing everything he felt he needed before bolting out the door.

In a few short sentences, Flo told him what they had done and the disastrous outcome, and David slammed down the phone, grabbing everything he felt he needed before bolting out the door

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Karl Hagen stood behind his desk scowling at his number one confidant. Kitty reclined in a chair across the room, nursing a drink and silently observing the drama as it unfolded. Sanford sat on his legs as if ready to jump up, an evil eye intermittently swivelling up to his master and back to Dennis.

"Just how do you explain this cluster-" Karl glanced at Kitty, "this dog's breakfast, Creighton?"

Sanford snarled softly.

"Kitty set up a meeting for me with Emanuel, like you and I discussed.


"And then this Portia dame and her friends turn up outta the blue. I brought her up to meet you, remember?"

"Turn up? I understood this Yogurt man of yours dragged them all here."


"I don't give a-" another glance at Kitty.

Dennis began again. "He was doing what you asked. Finding out what those dames knew about Garber and the money. He tracked down one, and with the brother in tow, they followed her here. They bumped into Emanuel when she got off the elevator."

"Why the brother?"

"That's just how the tracking down went . . ."


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