Chapter 13

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Rolly's bluster turned to stark fear when Yegor smashed the intercom with the cast on his hand. They could hear the yelp from the secretary in the outer office followed by the opening of his office door.

"Mr. Royce! What–?"

"Get out, Angela. Get somewhere and call-"

"Call nobody!" Yegor kicked the door shut and Angela bounced back onto her desk.

The outer office door suddenly swung open and two more men came in, stopping for a moment to take in the secretary sprawled on her desk, then dashing on into the private office.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm man sent to deal with him." Yegor shook Rolly by the collar.

"Yeah well you can let him go, he's ours now."

"Maybe you think two times about that."

"Oh, yeah! Listen you monkey-"

The cast came up quickly under the man's chin, smashing his teeth and his partner was forced to catch him, getting his own head whacked as Yegor dragged Rolly from the office.

Angela could only watch, one hand over her mouth, as her boss was unceremoniously dragged across the office floor and out the door. After a few beats, she peered into the room and saw the two men stunned and bleeding. Immediately she called the police.

 Immediately she called the police

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Mildred hung up in frustration. Angela couldn't make any sense except she said she called the police. The police call was not what Mildred wanted to hear. Her next thought was to remove herself from the premises. The police wouldn't care about anything she had to say about changing her mind about the money laundering, only that she had taken already taken part.

After closing the gallery she took a taxi instead of her car and ordered it to the nearest public telephone. Drumming her fingers on the side of the phone, she quickly assessed her options and explained to Kitty the disaster taking place, asking her if she would speak to Karl.

The news about the meeting with Karl and his demand to get his money back put paid to that idea; Kitty was in the process of making her own self scarce.

The news about the meeting with Karl and his demand to get his money back put paid to that idea; Kitty was in the process of making her own self scarce

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