Chapter 17

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Dennis ushered his group into Karl's office, annoyed and surprised to see Captain Akardy. Karl started in right away about the incompetence of the people Dennis hired and how the Captain had saved the day and then posted men outside while he stayed behind as a safety measure.

Dennis swore a protest and the exchange became a shouting match.

"Hey! Excuse me! If I may, Mr. Hagen." David stepped forward. "My name is David Ashby-"

Karl's expression changed and he zeroed in on David. "The little prick that stole my money!" Karl roared and Sanford growled.

"As I was saying," David continued in a louder voice. "I was coming here with the assistance of Miss O'Halloran, to return your money when your friend there and some other men started shooting at us in the hallway."

"That's not what-" Sanford's growl turned uglier and Akardy moved behind a chair.

"It's exactly what happened, Captain." Kitty said. "We were lucky enough to escape down the stairs to Dennis's office. David was going to give him the money so he could see you got it back safely." She smiled at Dennis who was torn between embarrassment and reluctant gratitude.

"Where did Miss Mouthy come in?" Karl scowled at Portia.

"I came looking for David because I knew you and your lot would be nothing but trouble." Portia sniffed loudly, eyes closed.

"That right, Creighton?"

"It's the way it all happened." He was losing sense of the entire scene.

Karl sat back down and scratched Sanford's head, pulling his hand back hearing the snarl.

"Okay, Captain, you can call your men off and see that mine get released ASAP."

"That might not be so easy. My crew was rounded up with his, there could be talk."

"I don't pay you to make it easy for you, Captain. Just get it done."

Akardy bolted from the room, red-faced.

Karl turned back to David. "So, my money. Who's got it."

"I have it right here." David dropped the envelope of money on the desk. "This ends our business with you and your people."

Kitty's reaction was a rueful murmur, and she moved away to the other side of the room. Karl opened the envelope, riffled through the bills and tossed it aside.

"I'm the one who says when business ends." He spoke with a menacing voice. Sanford raised his head.

"You've already kidnapped and beaten poor Mr. Royce, terrorized his partner Miss Emanuel, probably cost David his job-"

"Portia . . ." David groaned as she stepped forward, hands on hips defiantly.

Karl started around his desk then changed direction at Sanford's snarl.

"I warned you about that nose of yours and what would happen." He delivered a wicked slap to her face and she fell to one knee.

" He delivered a wicked slap to her face and she fell to one knee

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