Chapter 16

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Denis sat at his desk staring at his phone. Another call, another cock-up, he was beginning to think his quarry would make a better gang than the bunglers he hired. Karl hadn't bothered him, but it was only a matter of time and time wasn't on his side.

He dialled his contact and listened how they had made fools of the police as well.

"Captain, I think it's time you stopped fooling around and earned that monthly envelope. I want them found and I want them taken care of - do you follow?"

"I just had a report that their car was spotted in your vicinity. I've dispatched four men to track it down."

Dennis put a knuckle on his nose and thought a moment. "Arkady, have your men just watch them when they find them. I have an idea what they might try."

"You sure?"

"Yes . . . make sure they find them then just sit on them so we don't lose them again, Captain, and call me when they do. I'll let you know what to do then."

Kitty and David stepped out of the car to stretch their legs for a moment

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Kitty and David stepped out of the car to stretch their legs for a moment. Mildred took advantage of the extra space and shakily lit up a cigarette.

"Calvin doesn't allow smoking in his car." Flo said.

"I bet Calvin likes bullet holes a lot less. Wind down your window."

Kitty leaned back on the car. "David and I are going in alone. We agree it's a better idea."

"What about our united front and bullying the bully?" Portia complained.

"I'm not going in there no matter what you decide." Mildred said through puffs of smoke.

"Kitty knows Hagen and can talk to him better without all of us getting in his face." David added. "She'll explain and I'll hand over the money. If there is any trouble at least it won't be all of us in danger."

There was no debating; David just gave Portia a stern look and pointed a cautionary finger then he and Kitty walked back up the street to Hagen's building. Portia looked grim, her mind spinning with ideas and she grabbed her purse and jumped out of the car.

"Dee, where are you going?" Flo called.

"To find a telephone, I'll be right back."

"Her parents must have turned grey the day she was born." Mildred lit a second cigarette and blew a blast of smoke out the window.

Portia found a public telephone a block away and immediately dialled her brother's number.

"Hello, Rodney . . .?"

"Portia! Where the devil-?"

"Not now, Rodney. Just listen.

Crawford was beside himself as he listened to his son on the phone with the police. Portia had spelled out everything that had happened and what they were doing, including the hair-raising recount of Hagen's paid for police and his own men chasing after them.

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