Chaos Part 1

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What even is this chapter? T_T

Trigger warning (It's a spoiler, but I kind of have to put this): fire, mentions and use of weapons

*** = stop and start

Also, none of this is historically accurate.

"So that's what happened..." Laf muttered and scrunched up his eyebrows.

"Um..." I whispered. One of them's oughta blow up in my face in a moment.

"You lied to me..." Hercules whispered as John silently turned around and stormed off.

Do I follow him or explain to Hercules?

"How was I supposed to say that, though?!" The frustration rang throughout my voice.

"You should've just said it in the first place when we asked you," Laf shook his head. "I can't believe you kept this from us. Do we not mean anything to you?"

"Uh, excuse me, but Alexander did the exact same thing!" I pointed towards the tent where I knew Alex was hiding. "In fact, it was his fault Lee was able to shoot me. He distracted me in the middle of the duel!"

I know I shouldn't throw Alex under the bus. I know he really didn't mean to cause any of this; he only wanted to help. But sometimes it's hard to take a blame. I can't help but hate that I've made my friends upset with me. Maybe it wasn't Alex's fault at all, but he sure did keep it from them like I did.

"Duel?!" They both exclaimed.

"Why in God's name would you do such a stupid thing?" Hercules scowled.

"You didn't even tell us. I can't believe it," Lafayette turned around and stalked off.

"That doesn't have anything to do with it!" I exclaimed as I balled my fists up frustratedly. Hercules began walking away.

"Oh my god, if y'all would just listen for one minute!" I tried to explain, but I didn't chase after them for some reason.

I crossed my arms and tried to control my breathing while I kicked at the dirt.

It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world...

Alex peaked his head out the tent.

"Curse you, Alexander! You could've helped me out some!" I yelled in his direction before I walked off to somewhere else.

I don't know how far I walked, maybe half a mile or so into the woods. Not deep, though, just a little further than the outskirts. 

I found a nice tree and slid down and sat my back against it. 

This'll just all blow over after I explain. They'll all understand.

I picked up a twig and played with it for God-knows-long. 

Then I stabbed some ants with it. 

And drew in the dirt.

Let's just say I was out there for a while and eventually fell asleep since the sun had already fallen down.

Maybe it was around midnight - I'm not really sure - but I woke up feeling very alarmed.

Something seemed off. I heard noises.


I heard hushed whispers.

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