Letters (Because I Can)

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Lafayette's POV

"Une lettre pour vous, Monsieur."

I glanced up to see a soldier handing me a sealed envelope. "Ah, merci."

I flipped it over to see who had sent it.


I smiled. I'm sure it was just a report of what was happening at Fort Washington, as Hamilton is Washington's aide-de-camp himself. Classic. 

I stuck it in the pile of the rest of my unread letters, getting back to the one I was working on now.


John Laurens' POV

I had already been on the road for a few hours. The war was over. Literally over. And my reckless butt survived it.

I smiled giddily as I arrived closer to where Alexander and Y/N were still staying. I can't wait until we all go partying again together. I don't think Y/N will oppose to getting celebratory drunk this time. 


Hercules Mulligan's POV

A bell chimed, signaling someone had just entered my tailor shop.

"I'm in the back!" I shouted.

A young man stepped through the curtain door. "Are you Mr. Mulligan?"

"Yes, and I am the owner of this shop. What brings you here?"

"Just mail delivery," he said as he handed me several letters.

I muttered a 'thank you' as he made his way out. I huffed, knowing I'd have to take time out of my day to respond to these. 

I quickly shuffled through them, making sure there were no urgent ones. A couple were customer letters, one was from my apprentice. One from Hamilton.

I shrugged, opening that one first because it would be the least boring since I knew he'd add a joke or two.

Casually ripping open the envelope, I pulled out the slip of paper.

Woah. It's much shorter than usual.

I read, 'Dear sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health and in a-'

No, no, just kidding...

Now pretend he read it.

I froze as I finished reading.

Not a lot of time left?

My heart pounded as I silently packed my bag and walked outside. I flipped the sign on the door to 'closed' and found a carriage. 

"Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you today?" The driver asked. 

"Take me to Fort Washington," I said softly. "...Please."

He seemed to notice my state of grief and began silently.


Peggy Schuyler's POV

"Angelica! Eliza!" I called out. "Come quick!" 

I hate to disturb them from their rest at our summer home, but now is important.

The letter about Y/N.

"Peggy? What is it?" Eliza called as she made her way downstairs. 

"Eliza... We- We just got this letter," I said shakily. 

"Guys, what is it?" Angelica asked as she came down the stairs.

Eliza took the letter from my hands and read over it. "Oh my," she whispered.

Angelica peeked her head over Eliza's shoulders and read it, too.

Angelica looked between us. "Should we go?"

"We should, but the question is can we go? Would we even be allowed in?" I asked.

"The war is already over. I don't think anyone would mind," Eliza said seriously. "Pack your bags, girls. We have to go be there for her."


Aaron Burr's POV

I'm too tired to write this ;,,,,)


Thank you so much for 500 votes, everyone! Your support means the world to me!

I will be doing a Q&A when I hit 10k reads, questions asked by you. You can ask as many as you want about anything. 

Submit questions here:

Hamilton Question: Which ensemble member is your favorite? (Doesn't have to be from the OBC, although I wouldn't know who they were).

Mine is Ariana Debose. She's soooo pretty and such a good dancer and singer and she's such a good person. And did I mention she's also soooooooooo pretty?

Regular Question: What's your least favorite class?

Mine is math. It gives me a headache.

Remember, if you want to fake being sick, say you have a headache and feel nauseous. People can't test if you're lying. 

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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