Hey... How Y'all Doin'...

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Make sure to read the previous chapter that I had accidentally published then unpublished since it wasn't done!

Trigger Warning: Injuries, somebody's got anger issues 😗

*** = start and stop

also cringey; fast-paced

K Bye


I woke up early the next morning. So early, the sun wasn't even up. I sat up on my cot, keeping my blanket on me, staring at the wall for a moment before I groaned and stood up.

I walked over to Lafayette's cot. "Get up," I said, bored. I shook him. He shifted slightly.

I wanted to dump water on him, but I knew he couldn't be drenched for the meeting, so I threw my shoe at him instead. 

It was my lucky day since he didn't scream out of being startled or anything. He just sat up and glared at me. 

I tried to glare back, but eventually, a smile escaped me. He smiled as he re-did his hair, and I did the same. 

"Come on, time to go," I said just above a whisper. He nodded and followed me out. 

After we were out of earshot from the others, he said to me, "Can we get some food first?"

"Can't," I replied. "General said dawn."

"C'est trop stupide. I mean, really. The guy doesn't want to sleep in after all the work he's been doing?"

"That's his job. The hours we spend now are the hours we won't be staying here, being prey for another attack."

"But you know I like the action," he pouted.

"Laf," I hit his arm. "That's not funny. This is not a game."

"You strike me as a cautious one, Y/N," he laughed lightly. "Have fun for once."

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You forget that we're in a middle of a war, and we have jobs to do."

"Try to be more like me, though. Enjoy the adrenaline."

"Is that right? Well, I tend to fear it. We're not indestructible, you know," I huffed.

"Who said I wasn't?" He laughed. "I am immortal until proven mortal."

"Don't make me prove you're mortal," I retorted.

"We're here," Laf said in a quite serious tone. As we approached the tent, one of the other commanders was stepping in.

Washington acknowledged everyone as they walked him, beginning when the last guy walked in a few minutes later.

I received death glares from two of them—the third guy, Smith, being chill.

Major-General James Smith is nice. I've worked with him before, and he's a great person, easy to get along with. He also respects women.

On the other hand, my encounters with Major-General William Johnson and Brigadier-General Benjamin Hendrickson have not been the greatest. They believe I shouldn't be in the position I'm in or shouldn't have even been allowed in the army at all.

Wait... what is my position?

Well, I've been given command once, but never a label.

"As you all know, I have gathered you all today to arrange battle plans. Ones that could end the war. We must put all of our blood, sweat, and tears into this battle if we want to win," Washington spoke.

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