First Night

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We found a tent that had six cots in it and set our bags down. I chose the one towards the back end of the tent. I took out my pillow and blanket and set them on my "bed." The other guys stared at me with their mouths open.

"You brought a blanket?" Alexander asked.

"....yes?" I answered, confused. "Is something wrong?"

"How come I didn't think of that!" Alex shrieked. Everyone else nodded.

I looked at them with wide eyes, "None of you brought blankets?"

They sadly shook their heads.

"Oh. My. God. You FOOLS! What did you think was going to happen? They just had thousands of blankets to spare? We're in New York, for God's sake! It's going to drop into the negatives in the winter! If they happen to give you anything at all, it's going to be the quality of a dishrag!" I stomped over to each of them and smacked them on their heads.

They looked scared of me.

Good, they better be! Something tells me I'm going to have to mother them the entire time we're here.

"You know what? Everyone just go to sleep. We won't be getting much of it soon. One or two of y'all can travel back tomorrow and grab everyone what they need," I dismissed them with my hand and jumped into my cot. "Bring an extra or two for the guy who will take the sixth cot. I don't want to be rude and leave him out. Dig me?" I grinned at them.

"Yes, ma'am!" They saluted me.

"See you all in the morning. Long live the revolution!" I whispered and snuggled into my blanket. They did the same, except the latter. Now I feel weird about it.

We were all exhausted from the long trip and fell asleep almost immediately. It takes me a while to fall asleep, though, so I just stared at the ceiling in silence. A gut feeling arose in my stomach that someone was watching me. I slowly turned to my side and saw a pair of eyes on me from another cot being lit up by the moonlight. I internally jumped in surprise and racked through my brain as to who those eyes belonged to.

"Laf?" I whispered.

"Y/N?" He whispered back in surprise. I guess he didn't see I was awake because the light didn't hit my eyes.

"Why have you been staring at me?" I whispered. "Like, seriously, it makes it impossible to sleep."

"Well... I just... can I talk à toi outside for a moment?"

"Only if I get dibs on first in the breakfast line tomorrow." 

I slipped out of my cot as quietly as I could, and he did the same. We stepped outside into the chilly night air. The moon was extremely bright, and the stars decorated the dark sky. What could've been a romantic scene in some other story was a scene that gave off an ominous feeling. A pending war is not something you forget about.

We walked a little farther away from the scattered tents as not to wake anyone. We took a seat around the empty fire pit again. I wrapped my arms around myself and roughly rubbed my skin as a harsh gust of wind blew against me.

"Here," Laf said, and he handed me his thick navy coat. The boys had decided to just keep them on for the night as substitute blankets. 

I gratefully took it and asked him what he wanted to talk about.

He ran a hand over his pulled-back hair and sighed, "You know, I just feel really terrible about what happened earlier. I deeply apologize for putting you in an uncomfortable position on the stagecoach. I promise I didn't mean anything by my words and was truly just trying to help you out. Please forgive me?"

"Are you serious? I'm the one that should be apologizing. You really did nothing wrong, and it made me happy what you said. It's me who made it awkward by freezing up. I ruined everyone's day..." I trailed off as I looked down.

Laf scooched closer to me and lifted my chin so he could look me in the eyes. "Chèrie, you did nothing wrong. It seems we don't blame each other, so why don't we just forget it ever happened and move along?" He smiled.

"Sounds great," I nodded in relief.

We walked back to the tent in comfortable silence - except for me complaining again about how cold it was. I handed him back his coat, and we ducked inside and quietly slipped into our cots.

"Good night," I mouthed, hoping he could see it.

I faintly made out his mouth moving, too.

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