The Story of Tonight

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The day after the wedding, the boys and I took Alexander out for a long drinking spree. Once again, Laf, Hercules, and John got wasted again, but Alex and I didn't drink too heavily.

"I may not live to see our glory!" A drunk John stood up and twirled around. He stumbled, but Alex caught him.

A few people looked in our direction, but it seems the ones that didn't were either too drunk to notice or they were used to the boys making scenes already. 

"I may not live to see our glory!" We all followed along anyway. I couldn't help but crack up at all the stupid things the boys kept doing.

"But I've seen wonders great and small!" John slurred. 

"I've seen wonders great and small," Herc and Laf repeated. Laf looked like he was looking at another dimension. 

"'Cause if the Tomcat can get married," John slung his arm over Alexander's shoulder. 

Alex had an 'I feel attacked' look on his face.

"If Alexander can get married," The other two boys threw themselves at Alex.

"There's hope for ourselves, after all!" John proudly proclaimed with sparkles in his eyes.

"Raise a glass to freedom!" Laf sang off-key. He raised his hand in the air, even though he wasn't holding a glass. 

"Heyyy!" We cheered.

"Something you will never see again!" John and Laf pointed at Alex. Or at least in his direction...

So true...

"No matter what she tells you-" Hercules faked-cried as he latched onto Alexander's stomach. I could tell Alex was so done with them. However, I, for one, found their antics quite entertaining. 

"Let's have another round tonight!" Lafayette yelled.

"Yell heah!" Hercules screamed.

He switched the first letters. Wow. 

I saw the bartender glaring at us, but I just gave him an apologetic smile.

"Raise a glass to the four of us!" John ran into the three boys. A man jumped out of the way before the boys crashed to the floor.

Haha, I'm just standing here safe on the sidelines.

Wait, he only said four! T_T

"To the newly not poor of us!" Hercules screamed. 

"Whoo!" They all cheered except for Alex. 

I helped each of them back up before they stumbled down once again.

"We'll tell the story of tonight!" Laf sang as if he wasn't on the floor. 

"Let's have another round~" John continued while Hercules laughed. 

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice asked behind me.

I turned around and smiled in delight, "Well, if it isn't Aaron Burr, sir!"

Alex chuckled, "I didn't think that you would make it!"

"To be sure," Burr nodded politely. 

"BURR!" John and Hercules screamed. I facepalmed and gave Burr an apologetic smile.

The second person tonight...

"I came to say congratulations since I couldn't make it to your wedding," Burr said to his friend.

"Spit a verse, Burr!" Hercules slung his arm around Burr and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I see the whole gang is here," Burr said as he pushed the boy off of him.

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