Sick Part 2

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Trigger Warning: Sickness (Multiple symptoms of it)

Applies to the entire chapter.

Three hours later... approximately 4 am in the morning...

I woke up in a cold sweat.

I sat up panting and tried to calm myself, not knowing what was happening.

There was a surge of pain, but less than usual.

I'm so cold...

I let out a long, deep breath. Preparing myself to just let it go and go back to sleep.

"Hmm?" I heard someone say.


"Are you doing ok, Y/N?" Oh, it was Alex, haha.

"I'm not really sure..." I whispered. "I'm absolutely freezing. What about you?"

"No, not even chilly to me," he responded. "Hang on a sec."

He got up from his sleepy state and came over to me. He touched the back of his palm to my forehead.

"You're burning up, Y/N," his voice was laced with despair. "This is just getting worse and worse..." he muttered to himself, although I picked it up.

"That's a good thing, though, right? Doesn't it mean my body is fighting whatever I have?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, but if it gets high enough, you can easily die from it. I'll get you more water, and you need to take those extra blankets off."

"But I'm so cold!"

"You're not actually cold; your brain just thinks that. I can promise you that you won't be cold. You'll feel the same whether you're under those or not."

I listened to him and took them off, feeling slightly colder but not by much. I threw them onto Laf and Herc's bed since they were the ones that gave me the extra ones. John and Alex offered too, but I didn't need five blankets on me, so they got to keep theirs since they are the smallest of the bunch.

Hercules stayed asleep, but Lafayette woke up... oops.

"Nnnnnn, who woke me up? Alexander? Go back to sleep, you idiot. I swear to God if you're writing-"

"As you can clearly not see, I'm trying to help Y/N," he said as he opened his palms toward me.

"Huh? Est-ce qu'elle va bien?" He said while sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm-"

"No, she's getting worse," Alexander cut me off. "Very high fever now."

"Mon Dieu, why can't it be tomorrow already?" Laf groaned.

"Who woke me up?!" A newly-awoken John whisper-screamed. "I swear to God if it's Hercules trying to drink something at 3 am again-"

"Laurens, shut your mouth. We're trying to deal with something here."

"Oh yeah, what? What could possibly be happening at 3 in the- Oh wait..." He paused with realization and sat up. "Shoot, what's it now?"

"Fever," I sighed.

"Ugh, how high?" He said worriedly.

"Over 103º at the least," Alex answered. "That's higher than I was when I was on the verge of death in my childhood."

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