Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton

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The days following the ball, John has been avoiding me like crazy. I've tried to talk to him about it, but he just walks away and doesn't answer me. I stopped attempting after the third time. I decided to ask the other guys about it, and they said they weren't completely sure but that it might've been because he got drunk the night of the ball. It makes sense, but I still wish he'd talk to me about it. I don't even see why he's avoiding me if that's the reason. I'm sure he's gotten drunk at parties before!

However, on a good note, Eliza has been telling me in her letters that she and Alexander have been writing to each other a lot and that it seems Alexander is very interested in her. I can tell from how she gushes over him in her letters that she is still completely helpless for him.

That went on for about three weeks before Alexander told me he wants to propose to her.

"Already? It's only been about a month!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, it's not that bad of an idea. I mean, my parents married after only two weeks of meeting each other.... Not that it worked out great, but I promise that won't happen with Eliza and me!"

"Yeah, it better not," I said gravely. Eliza is a precious small bean who must be protected at all costs.

He laughed nervously, "Well, I'm returning to the city for a week, and if it works out, I'll invite all of you to the wedding."

"I'll be there!" I smiled.


Well, Philip Schuyler, Eliza's father, gave Alexander his blessing, and the two are officially getting married.

The wedding is on Sunday, and they're getting married in Trinity Church. Eliza has been writing me letters non-stop. Usually, she writes about what her other sisters are doing too, but lately, it's only been her fangirling over Alexander. 

I mean, he's a good guy, but sometimes he can be a little... over the top? Guess she's into those kinds of guys. 

It took a little bit of convincing to get the general to let our group attend the wedding, but he wants his right-hand man to be happy with all of his friends on his special day, so he agreed. 


On Saturday, we excitedly packed our bags to stay a few nights in New York after the wedding.

Eliza asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, so I was currently rummaging through my clothes, trying to find the perfect dress for the ceremony. 

But then someone walked into the tent, so consequently, I faced to see who it was.

"Oh, hey, John," I said quietly.

He stood there for a moment. "I'm sorry," he blurted out.

I opened my mouth to ask him what for, but he answered it as he said, "For the night of the ball. I immediately ran off with my friends, didn't check on you once, didn't dance with you, and was too drunk to help you out when that other guy was bothering you - Laf told me everything. And I'm so sorry I've been avoiding you. I really thought you would've hated me after that, but the guys convinced me to talk to you again. I understand if you're mad...."

"John, I was never mad," I walked up to him. "I promise."

"But I totally just left you."

"It's fine; I wasn't alone. I caught up with other friends."

He kept quiet for a moment before adding on, "But I really regret not dancing with you. I literally asked you to the ball, and not once did I even spend time with you."

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