Chaos Part 2

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Trigger warning: war stuff idk.

Applies to the entire chapter.

People were collapsing around me everywhere. 

I didn't know what was happening or who was shooting, but instinct told me it was the second part of the British ambush.

I ran blindly to one of the tents that hadn't burned down and grabbed a loaded gun. Some people did the same, but most were still in shock or were scrambling about.

Tents were still burning. Thick black smoke made it almost impossible to breathe. We were in the middle of an attack. No one was giving out commands. We were losing dozens of soldiers by the minute. Screams of terror and pain filled the what-was-once-quiet night sky. It was complete chaos.

Someone has to do SOMETHING.

I readied myself - although I was not ready - and joined in on the fight. Thank God the remnants of the fire illuminated the scene, or else we would be at a great disadvantage. 

I didn't know what else to do except shoot at anyone I saw in a red coat.

I ducked and dodged; I got scraped and bruised. I even tripped over a body.

It was just a miracle I hadn't been shot yet.

A miracle.

Honestly... I think I'm going down tonight.

Everything was happening so quickly. It was terrifying.

I hurried over to a large tree to take cover for just a moment and to get my head straight. 

I cautiously peeked my head towards the commotion, trying to devise a plan as quickly as I could, all while being completely drained of physical and mental energy from the events of tonight.

This is just too hard... Why am I the only one trying to solve this?!?! How am I supposed to stop this MASS MUTINY?!?!? I swear to God-

I felt a hand on a shoulder.

I whipped around and cocked my gun and pulled the trigger at my aggressor. 

Begone redcoat!


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