10k Special Answers

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Thank you to everyone for their submissions! Remember, you can always ask more no matter how late you are! 

Let's get started.

the_clownery : What is your favorite scene from Hamilton?

There are so many to choose from, but one of my top ones is in Hurricane when everyone is frozen and picking up stuff. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rVURq5isnY   1:37 time stamp

It hits pretty deep because I've been through a lot of hurricanes, and there really is quiet in the eye. Everything just stops. And things get thrown around everywhere. 

fried_kaminari : if you didn't publish this book, what book do you think you would've done instead?

So I am currently working on a teen fiction, as mentioned before that I will pour my heart and soul into this summer. I've written a few short stories and a poem. I am also working on a project for the EduHam contest due April 30th. https://hamilton.gilderlehrman.org/ 

I am making a rap - but not a rap because there is no consistent beat - about Benedict Arnold. 😅 (Has to be about American History).

I will publish it on here once the contest is over (so no one steals it).

GeneralKyaWashington : What are your future plans for this book? Will there be a sequel? What are plans for future books? And lastly, did you ever think you'd get this far?

The future plans for this book are that it will end soon. Probably around five chapters. For those of you that usually read my author's notes,  you'd recall I am not planning on making a sequel, but I will always keep my Hamilton One-Shot book open, and that my plan for a future book is a teen fiction called Danger Is My Middle Name. And lastly, no, I did not think I'd get this far since this book came out way after Hamilton died down twice. I didn't think people's obsessions would last past two-three months like mine. I saw/heard Hamilton on Disney+ for the first time, so I was new to the fandom, and unlike others', my obsession is eight months still going strong.

OwOUwUBD : What is your zodiac sign?

Aquarius ♒️ 😌

Have a good day, you beautiful peoples >:)

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