Chapter 8

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I still feel like I am in a dream, but I know that I am awake and this is happening. She takes a step back as if electrocuted by something she touched.

She looks down as her face turns tomato red, "I'm sorry I..."

"It's okay," I interject, stopping her before she finishes the sentence.

"You have got a lot of explaining to do, what really happened to you?"

I explain what happened and I tell her about the day it all happened. I tell her about the guys who were following us, how I felt a forceful grip on his wrist before it all went dark. I tell her the full story about everything that happened to me, but I don't tell her about my new abilities.

I don't know how she feels about the superhumans out there. The last thing I need right now is driving her away by letting her know I have these abilities. That I can do the crazy things just like Josh was doing on tv.

"It's a shame Josh didn't outrun those guys, you sacrificed yourself but still it didn't make a difference."

"I feel this was supposed to happen, we had to be taken. Maybe it was fate."

"I don't believe in that, I believe that someone decides on how his life will turn out. Every little action you make determines how your life will be. Fate is just something people use to blame things on. Tell me, why didn't you end up like Josh?"

"You know that the Controller kidnaps people for experimenting, so maybe it didn't work with me. That's probably why he threw me out into the ocean," I reply, I had given this reply a lot of thought just in case Mara asked the same.

"I'm glad they didn't work on you, I've seen Josh in the news. It is like looking at someone else, he is just not normal anymore."

"He is just under the control of the Controller. He is still the same guy I grew up with, he is still my best friend."

"I wouldn't want that to happen to you," she blushes before looking away again.

We spend more time walking and talking, just catching up and getting to know each other better. I didn't know Sarah that much, in fact, we were just friends, but I could feel my knees weaken every time I tried talking to her.

After all that has happened, the kidnapping, my first fight and the new abilities. I still find that I am very much still afraid of her. I guess that this will change in time, or at least that's what I'm hoping for.

"Well, I have to head home before my father comes home."

"We sure wouldn't want that, l-let's do this again sometime," I stutter.

"How about today, at around 16:30?" She gushes as she draws randomly with her shoes on the ground.

"That would be perfect."

"It was nice getting to see you again after all this time," she murmurs as she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

I freeze in one place. The only thing I can muster was a smile. Hopefully, it is enough. I watch as she walks to her house, lost in the thoughts inside my mind.

She reaches her house. She looks back at me then waves with a smile. I wave back slowly; I am still standing on the same spot she left me on, totally frozen.

I can't help but smile as I jog past her house. Just in case she was watching, I have to stick to the routine I said I was doing. I finally leave her street and finally stop my jog.

I teleport back home, in my room to be exact. I run my bathwater, thoughts of how I'll spend my day run through my mind. My mother said something about going to the police station today.

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