Chapter 5

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I lay on my bed, pumping myself with music. I jump up and dance around my room as I listen to Skrillex's music on my earphones. My playlist this morning is only songs by him.

My mother had returned during the night. I didn't bother to check; it wouldn't change anything if I did.

I dance around my room making a lot of noise, I never act like this when my mom is around. It still bugs me that my mother sneaks around leaving at night. Could she be seeing someone?

I shake off the thought, finally paying attention to the notification I had received last night.

When I check the notification, it tells me that the Controller has posted another video. I watch the video, listening to every single word he spoke.

The Controller will launch an attack on the Fritz Bank downtown. He has gladly welcomed anyone who thinks they can stop him. He mentioned something about crippling the world's economy step by step. Attacking a highly fortified bank was his way of doing this.

I run down the stairs; he has told us the exact time that this will happen. He is obviously too cocky. The police will be there guarding the bank now. All those innocent souls who will die because of him.

I make my way to the kitchen, I'm not hungry, but I'd sure like something to run down my throat. I will eat because I can, not because I have to.

I grab some cereal and milk and rush to the living room. I sit on the three sitter navy couch in the living room. The couch here doesn't have any armrests on the sides. There are two of them and she has brought them together to make an L shape.

The Controller says he will attack the bank at 13:00. He has told us the exact time and the Bank he will hit. The only thing left is for us to stop him.

I may not have any training, but I sure won't let him kill everyone and destroy that bank and walk away with it.

The Controller spoke of a few of his experiments that had broken his link with them and escape. Maybe Josh was one of them, Josh can escape. If there's a way, I'm sure he'll find it. He'll break free, if I don't break him out first.

My mother suggested I shouldn't go to school today because of what recently happened. She also repeated that we should make our way to the police station.

I eat, grabbing the remote and changing into the news channel. Josh would freak out if he saw. He would say I need to go to the doctor and get a check-up.

I don't mind the tv as the man reads the news. I eat my cereal, my focus now on it, and it only. I lift my head to look at the tv when I hear the words the town of Mac being said by the man.

"... and now the police have formed a blockade around the entrance of the bank. We will search anyone who enters and exits the building. Several police have come to the scene, all expecting the worst. The attack would take place at 13:00 but the police have guarded the bank now. Just in case he plans on hitting it from the inside. On other news..."

I change the channel; I doubt they know anything more. The bank must've refused to close because of threats from a scientist gone mad.

I place the empty bowl beside me; I straighten my legs before placing them over the couch. My mother would be furious if she found out I ate whilst sitting in the living room. She is very strict with this.

She would always want me to eat in the dining room. I don't know what difference it makes, plus I enjoy the living room. I'd sometimes sleep here when watching movies at night.

I stand up, placing the bowl in the sink. I'll wash it later, now I feel like taking a bath. It is only 10 o'clock. I use the main bathroom this time, not using the one in my room.

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