Making the Cut

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Nico: It's time for today's 4th mega match-up, it's You Show versus Leo institute Shay Obsidian, Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Sora and Shay  

Sora: Just sit back and enjoy the show, it's my turn to entertain you 

Nico: The fourth match of today is about to begin, so watch as our Action field spins, it looks like we'll be duelling Neo heartland  

Shay: What

Nico: What better setting for a duo of duelists leading the way to the future and now let's get to 

the Action, Neo Heartland City activate 

Y/n: What's going on with Shay 

Sora: What's the matter, Shay? , you feeling sick or something you wanna take a break an' duel later maybe 

Shay: Don't worry about me, just worry about yourself, fusion summoners like you deserve no mercy, and none will be shown 

Sora: Okay let's start the show, get ready, you guys the biggest duel of today is coming your way!, so cheer for me as you did for Yuya, now get your fans stoked Shay 

Shay: ...

Sora: What's wrong now's your chance don't you want your fans psyched up? we're in show business gotta create excitement amp up the entertainment value, Blow it up?, alright I'll do it, it's time for the big show if you want it lemme hear you, we want the big show let's go 

Crowd: We want the big show let's go! (x4)

Nico: Now finally arrived for 

Crowd: Action 

Nico: The field is ready, the crowd is ready and duelists are ready for the fourth magnificent match of the day, your fate is now in your hands 

Sora: Then I'll start the show, it's my pleasure to introduce a cuddly star direct from my hand Fluffal bear 

Crowd: Cute 

Sora: Just wait there's more if you think this one's cute, just wait till you see what's coming next when Fluffal Bear is front and centre I can summon this little barnyard to join it and since I have two they're twice as nice, I'm summoning out 2 fluffal Sheep 

Crowd: Too Cute!

Sora: I think the crowds pretty happy with that, now it's your Shay, make sure you summon out some real headliners

Shay: The funniest show they've ever seen, the days of duelling for fun no longer exist for me and my friends, duelling is about survival, the joy and happiness, the sounds of people laughing and cheering, it was all taken that day, replaced by a deafening silence, nothing could've prepared us, it happened too quickly they just showed up, they wreaked our city, changing our lives forever, the enemy took everything away from us 

Sora: What city


Shay: Teamwork was the only way we could survive, we stood true against the overwhelming odds but to no avail, countless were taken on that dark day 


Shay: Losing wasn't an option against an enemy with overwhelming power it took everything I had just to defend myself and pull through, but without an organised resistance, we struggled to hang on, even as our numbers shrank and hope faded, it was a desperate time but we learned something important.  If we wanted to stay free, we had to win, only the ones who held on, the ones with an absolute iron will to win had half a chance of making it through to duel another day  


Shay: But don't worry, the worst is still yet to come, now you know what it's like to be helpless like we were helpless as you and your fusions friends launched a surprise attack on our home the difference between us and you, though, we always found a way to fight back, even when the odds were stacked against us 

Sora: You think I'm through, I'm one bit worried about losing to you if you do you're a bigger sucker than I thought you were, poor Shay  still thinking you have a chance well here's a reality check, you're going to lose, it's the one thing your good at, isn't that right Shay you were helpless when we attacked now your helpless for me now 


Nico: The winner is Shay Obsidian

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