Futile Screams

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Melissa: Now everyone let me introduce the next tournament participants Chijiro and Zuzu

Y/n: ZUZU?

Melissa: Good luck everyone watching

Y/n(Xyz): How good is she?

Y/n: Oh no... she's going against Chojiro

(Skip the battle it doesn't hold that much significance to the plot)

Melissa: It's over Zuzu won that amazing duel that had us in the heat of the moment and it's now over, now onto the next match the last match of the first day is Serena vs Tony

Celina wins the battle

Y/n(Xyz): That's it?

Y/n: Well time to sleep and talk about random stories

A side of the wall opens up and a small feast on a trolley appears

Y/n(Xyz): Eat first?

Y/n: Definitely

You start to chow down on the food and fall asleep

Y/n:*Yawn* how did you sleep

Y/n(Xyz): How well did you do?

Another panel opens to what looks like breakfast

Y/n(Xyz): Way better than rations... I wonder how Yuto is

Y/n: Since she's in Yuya's body she should be fine... That came out wrong

Y/n(Xyz): Yeah... I just miss her now who's up!

You turn on the Tv to hear

Melissa: The first match of the second day it's Yuya vs Duel Chaser 227 who knows what will happen

Y/n: She better win

Y/n(Xyz): If she's like

Melissa: The first one to enter is Duel Chaser 227 apparently he lost a duel and was fired unluck and now he's competing as a Common and now Yuya Sakaki enters

The crowd starts booing at Yuya

Melissa: Hey now why are you booing, now everyone lets get started Action Field

Yuya: Wait, Everyone this is the Friendship do you know what happens to the losers they're sent to an underground waste-processing facility

Y/n: What

Y/n(Xyz): no way

Yuya: Those who are sent to the Underground never get out again they're made to do hard labour for life

Y/n(Xyz): Whoever we battle will be handed a life sentence

Then the crowd starts to cheer

Y/n: Those monsters

Y/n(Xyz): We will make them pay for making her look like

Y/n(Xyz)&Y/n: A Circus Monkey

Melissa: What's wrong with that, it's natural for losers to be at the bottom isn't it

Crowd: yeah

Yuya: Natural?! How can you

Melissa: Winning is the most important thing Action field on field spell cross over acceleration

Yuya: Wait I'm not done talking

Melissa: The first one around the corner is... Officer 227

Yuya: Sending losing duelists to do hard labour underground is wrong

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