The Ultimate Falcon

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Crow Lp 2700 Hand:1

Shay Lp 2100 Hand:0

Melissa: Crow has no cards on his field how will he fight back

Crow: I'm only getting started

Shay: Hurry it up I have more enemies to beat

Crow: Quit underestimating the bonds between Commons, I Draw

Shay: If you won't come to me I'll come to you

Crow: I don't think so when there are no monsters on my field I can special summon this card from my hand, Tuner monster Blackwing-Gofu the Vague Shadow...When I special summon it I summon two Vague Shadow tokens level 5 vague the shadow tunes two level 1 vague shadow tokens When Gofu is used as a Synchro Component I can Synchro Summon from my graveyard, not the Extra Deck

Shay: From your Graveyard!?

Crow: Phantom Synchro Assault Blackwing Raikirir the Rainshower

Melissa: Incredible summoned the monster from the Graveyard with a Synchro Summon

Crow: We commons aren't like you tops we can' put as many Extra Deck monsters as we want but we won't let them die that easy we commons treasure everything in our lives treasure every card

Shay: no matter how many times it comes back I'll send it to the graveyard I've come back from the gates of hell more times than I could count...

Crow: I activate Raiki-

Shay: Enough

Crow: What?

Shay: This duel is over

Crow: I won't stop I activate its effect I destroy Blaze falcon

Shay: I activate the trap Raidraptor Reversal I negate its destruction and draw a card

Crow: If you want to end it I'm giving it my all I activate the equipped spell Sky Excalibur onto Raikiri it increases its attack points by 400

Shay: Stop Listen to me

Crow: Raikiri attack

Shay Lp 2100-2000=100

Melissa: Shay's Lp is near next to none

Shay: So I've got no choice I activate Raid raptors Magic force I can special summon a Raidraptor and summon a monster that's one rank higher appear rank 6 Revolution Falcon now when I summon it I can destroy and deal half its damage to you

Crow: A monster equipped with Sky Excalibur cannot be targeted by your monsters effects

Shay: Why won't you understand

Crow: Tanner!

Melissa: What's happening here? A child is hanging from Raikiri

Y/n: Tanner?

Tanner: I'm gonna fall

Melissa: What do we do?... During the duel, the bikes are on autopilot so they can't stop

Crow: What were you thinking? I'll try and set you down with the others until then hang on Hang ON!

Tanner: I can't


Shay caught him

Tanner: Shay?

Crow: you saw it from the start that's why you said that thank you

Shay: I thank you as well I saw you and the children I remembered what I was fighting for the kids

Crow: You too have something important to protect but Academia is huge

Shay: And your fighting the tops they're huge as well

Crow: I guess we're like two peas in a pod I end my turn now give it your all

Shay: Will do

Melissa: these warm-hearted two saved a child which means it's going to heat up

Shay: my turn I activate Rank-up magic Skip force I can rank up a Raidraptor by two

Melissa: Two ranks higher?

Crow: I guess that's a warrior in action appear Rank 8 Satellite Cannon Falcon

Melissa" Two 3000 ATK point monsters

Shay: I'm not done yet

Crow: What?

Shay: By sending Raid Force from my hand to the graveyard I can add one rank up magic monster card to my hand I chose Skip Force and now I activate it Appear Rank 10 Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon

Melissa: It's now even Stronger...Synchro vs Xyz

Shay: I activate the Ultimate Falcons effect by using one overlay unit to negate all card effects on your side of the field until the end of my turn and reduce your monsters attack points by 1000 attack Ultimate falcon attack Raikiri

Crow Lp 2700-1900=800

Crow: When Raikiri, Phantom Synchro summoned with Gofu is destroyed it returns to the extra deck

Shay: At the end phase of my turn I reduce all monsters you control by 1000 and if you have no monsters you take 1000 points of damage

Melissa: This could be the end for crow

Crow: I activate the effect of Sky Excalibur which was sent to the graveyard when Raikiri was destroyed I can special summon one winged beast tuner from my graveyard I chose Oroshi the Squall

Shay: Ultimate falcon reduces its attack points to zero I end my turn

Melissa: Crow managed to hang on by a needle and everything depend on this draw

Crow: I draw...When there's a Blackwing on my side of the field I can special summon Blackwing- Bora the Spear Level 1 Oroshi the Squall tunes level 4 Bora the spear Synchro Summon Assult Blackwing Sohaya the Rain Storm when I Synchro Summon Sohaya I can special summon one Blackwing from my Graveyard I chose Sayo and when Sayo is used in a synchro component it counts as a tuner Level 5 Sohaya tunes Level 2 Sayo Synchro Summon Assult Blackwing-Raikiri

Melissa: Crow's ace monster keeps coming back for more

Crow: I activate Raikiri's effect I destroy each card for every "Blackwing" I control I chose Ultimate Falcon

Shay: Sorry to disappoint Ultimate falcon can't be affected by your cards effects

Crow: I thought as much from the fact you didn't go for an action card

Shay: So what's next

Crow: Just watch me I activate the effect of Sohaya in the graveyard by banishing it I can special summon another one from my graveyard when used as a Synchro component Raikiri is treated as a Tuner Level 7 Raikiri tunes level 5 Sohaya Synchro Summon Assult Blackwing- Onimaru the divine thunder

Melissa: A level 12 the highest a Synchro monster can go

Crow: Attack and when it attacks its attack points increase by 1000 for every synchro summon this turn ends, this feels the bond of Commons

Shay Lp 100-6000=-5900 Crow Wins

Melissa: Crow's the winner

Y/n: nice job Crow

Y/n(Xyz): Shay was holding back

Y/n: Didn't seem like it

Melissa: Now the winner Crow returns triumphantly let's give him a big round of applause

Crow: yeah!

Shay: I will crawl back up and eliminate my enemies you should do the same

Crow: I'll hit them hard...Shay, you are one of us

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