Stigma Rule of Misfortune

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Sylvio: No way is that

Yuya: Jack!

Jack: Sorry I'm late

Computer: 2000 points as a penalty for entering

Jack Lp 4000-2000

Sanders: Late? are you another Lancer?

Jack: I'm not a part of any other group but I am an ally of Yuya, Gong stand back Yuya and I will deal with this

Gong: Gong will stand back

Yuya: How are you here?

Jack: Well it was Amanda, Tanner and Fredrick


Amanda, Tanner and Fredrick: Crow and the others already left, leave the future to us, work with them and bring the fight to Academy to save everything

Flashback ends

Yuya: You came here for them?

Jack: Yes for the kids that adore Crow

Yuya: Crow

Jack: Where is he?

Yuya: He's

Sylvio reveals Crow

Sylvio: Crow saved me

Jack: The one who defeated Crow, WAS IT YOU?!

BB: And If it was?

Jack: I'll make you pay who the children of the Synchro Dimension or will crush you

BB: I end my turn with a facedown

Jack: My turn I draw first I set one card then I summon the tuner monster Red Resonator and when I have a "Red" monster on the field I can special summon Red Warg by getting rid of half its attack points

Red Warg 1400-700=700

Jack: Now Level 2 Red Resonator tunes level 6 Red Warg Synchro Summon Starlight Red Dragon Archfiend now activate your effect

BB: I activate the continuous trap, Gladiators Beast's Medusa shield Targeting Gyzarus it negates its destruction

Jack: I activate my Counter Trap Red Vanish when a red monster is on my side of the field, I can activate it the turn it was set I negate your spell/trap and destroy it

BB Lp 2600-1500=1100

Sylvio: yay 1500 points wait shouldn't it be 500?

Gong: It's the Thumbs down

Computer: Intrusion Penalty 2000 life points

Sanders Lp 4000-2000=2000

Jack: Even you join interesting, I end my turn with two facedown

BB: Medusa Shield's effect activates I chose one Gladiator Beast trap from my deck and set it

Sanders: My turn I draw, I activate the spell card Test Fusion it let me send Test Ape and Test Tiger from my hand to the graveyard to fusion summon ignoring its requirements Fusion Summon Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor and now I activate its effect once per turn I can choose one Gladiator Beast from an Extra Deck and ignoring its requirements special summon it to their field I chose Gladiator Beast Andabata from BB's deck now BB

Yuya looks puzzled

Jack: What's wrong?

Yuya: It seems like he was acting differently

Yugioh Arc-V  x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now