Each Duelists Battlefield

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Melissa: Yuya Sakaki seizes victory in an incredible turn around now she's now returning to the duel palace

???: Yuya!

Yuya: Zuzu

???: That was incredible

???: You put that common duelist, ranting about revolution and uprising in his place

???: How dare you take out Shinji...Yuya's against us

Melissa: Hold on just a minute...It was an incredible duel we must applaud the victor

???: That's right

???: We should be celebrating Yuya's victory

???: Shut it

???: Get her off the field

???: Good job

???: Go kill yourself (An actual comment)

Shinji appears

Shinji: Damm it


Yuya: Roget

Melissa: Why is the Public Order Bureau's director here?

Roget: Brilliantly done you're magnificently duel impressed me particularly, that elegant and darling Pendulum into Synchro Summon at the end I uttered a cry of excitement no wonder I sponsored you Yuya

Shinji: Hey, you! What does this mean... Is he saying you've been connected to security the Tops dogs he declared you as the first opponent as some behind-the-scenes deal

Yuya: Deal?!

Y/n: That's impossible

Melissa: Yuya backdoor dealings with the Public Order Bureau's director led to being selected as the kings opponent is this big scoop

Yuya: Wait a minute...What are you talking about that was the first time I met Roget

???: I thought something was fishy some nobody could duel the king what did he give you the fact if you lost you wouldn't be sent underground

Shinji: What's going on Yuya

Yuya: I told you

Roget: Of course, it isn't true there was no backdoor deal right? I simply believed in her potential

Shinji: Potential

Roget: Indeed she is a nobody but she had the power to pendulum summoning a power previously unknown so I decided to test against the king naturally Jack won but now I see that my judgment of Yuya Sakaki at the time was not mistaken with every fight she becomes stronger this time she succeeded in going from pendulum to Synchro summoning Yuya has evolved as a duelist...Look so many spectators feel the same as I-we hope but for one thing for you to win the friendship cup to fight jack once again I'm counting on you Yuya

Yuya: Wait a minute

Y/n(Xyz): Do you think she's dumb enough

Y/n: I hope not

Melissa: After the second match of the Friendship cup the second day Yuya Sakaki favoured by Security Director Roget scored a brilliant win....

Shinji: This is ridiculous this race was fixed from the start

Yuya: Fixed race

Melissa: Another accusation is it true the tournaments foundation is in question acting as the top reporter I will interview them both to learn the truth

Roget: You are being ridiculous Shinji you said the duel had been fixed then you would've deliberately lost so you must have lost to Yuya in a fair fight your just winning...Get this eyesore out of the way

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