Standard Friendship Cup Round 2

384 7 0

Y/n: All right let's do this

Y/n(Xyz): I don't know what's gonna happen since the first round

Y/n: I forgot you took over and summoned that badass dragon

Y/n(Xyz): Yeah but I don't think I'll take control of this one

Y/n: yeah no worries

Melissa: Now it's time for Y/n and Mako shall begin their duel

Y/n: Hey nice to meet you Mako

Mako: Nice to meet you too...Who are you winning this for?

Y/n: I was forced to do it...what about you?

Mako: I'm getting the money to join the tops and marry my Fiancé Asami

Y/n: Well I wish you luck

Mako: Same to you too

Melissa: See ladies and Gentlemen this is what it's all about now Action field go Acceleration now...Ready, Set, Go!

Mako speeds ahead on what you presume to be a newer model than the D-wheel you got less than a week ago.

Mako: I go first I summon Fire Solider

Fire Solider Lvl 4 Atk 1400 Def 1200

Mako: I activate its effect I can special summon another "Fire" monster from my hand I choose Fire Servant

Fire Servant lvl 2 Atk 500 Def 100

Mako: I tune level 2 Fire Servant and level 4 Fire Solider I Synchro Summon Fire Warrior

Fire Warrior Lvl 6 Atk 2000 Def 1500

Mako: I end my turn with 2 face downs

Y/n: I draw I set the pendulum scale with scale 8 mirage dragon and scale 1 Odd-eyes persona dragon I pendulum summon Odd-eyes pendulum dragon I set a card and now Odd-eyes go attack Fire Warrior

Mako: I activate the trap Fire shield I can pay 400 life points to negate the destruction

Y/n: odd-eyes effect activates the damage you take becomes doubled

Mako: I can activate its other effect I can use its effect more than once if I discard a card

Y/n: Your monster already can't be destroyed

Mako: I take no damage this battle

Mako Lp 4000-800=3200

Melissa: Mako avoids the destruction of his monster and avoids 1000 points of damage at the cost of 800 life points and one card

Y/n: I end my turn

Mako: I draw I summon Fire Servant and now I tune level 2 fire Servent and level 6 fire warrior I Synchro Summon Fire Lieutenant

Fire Lieutenant Lvl 8 Atk 2400 Def 2000

Mako: I activate its effect we draw and if one of them is a monster my monster gains 400 attack points...I drew Fire lords comet

Y/n: I drew SpaceRestorer magician

Mako: It gains 400 attack points now attack Odd-eyes

Y/n Lp 4000-300=3700

Mako: I end my turn

Y/n: I draw I pendulum summon SpaceRestorer Magician

SpaceRestorer Magician Lvl 4 Atk 1400 Def 1400

Y/n: its effect when it's the only pendulum monster that's pendulum summoned all cards on your side of the field have their attack points cut in half and if one of your monster gains attacks points the amount it gains by half...Now attack Fire Lieutenant

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