The Great Entertainer

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No-one Pov

Yushow: Yugo!

Aster: Yugo...

Yuri: What a wonderful duel I don't think I ever dueled someone so great everyone else was all talk... you had the skill I'll give you that

Yugo: Of course, I got skill, who do you think I am some chump

Yuri: That's right you are no chump because you are me and I am you as we fought it was fate that we met, had I known it would've been this fun I would've accepted your challenge much sooner sorry for treating you as a pest you were a gift in disguise and now we will become one forever

Starving Venom Shone brightly and then so did Clear Wing

Yushow: YUGO! NO!

Yuri: Now we will become one

Yugo: And no-one will stop us

Then there was a bright light then just Yuri was left holding two cards one Starving Venom and the other Clear Wing

Yuri: We have become one now just once more then we shall be whole

Yuya: Now we will become one

Y/n: Those other two have become one now it will become extremely difficult now to resist their urges

Riley vs Declan

Riley: Now attack Darius...Sister

Declan: I activate the action spell Miracle so Darius is saved and I take half the damage

Declan Lp 900-700=200

Riley: You used an Action Card?!

Declan: it is how we Lancers fight, remember...It appears I underestimated you since I taught you how to duel I thought it would be impossible for you to surpass me but apparently, people can change under the right conditions if what they believe in is challenged

Riley: I end my turn

Delcan: My turn, I draw I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale D/D Savant Thomas and D/D/D Knowledge King Tomb Conquistador Pendulum Summon D/D Brownie and when it is summoned from my Extra Deck I can tribute it and one D/D monster on my field to activate its effect I tribute Brownie and Darius to summon Tomb Conquistador

Riley: It has the same amount of attack points as my monster

Delcan: I now activate its effect by sending a dark to the graveyard its attack points are increased by 1000 now attack

Riley Lp 1000-1000=0 Riley Loses Declan Wins

As the duel end, a blast appears from one of the walls and Yushow is lying on the floor

Declan: Yushow!

Yuya: Dad!

Yuri: Found you

Yuya: it's you

Yuri: Goodness me my name is Yuri but I am also Yugo

Declan: You absorbed her?

Yushow: We couldn't stop it but it ends here if I defeat you I can stop you combining with Yuya therefore Zarc won't be born

Yuri appears before Yushow

Yuri: Just give up now begone!

A dark Blast knocks Yushow back

Declan: Yushow!

Yuya: Leave my father alone!

Declan Attempts to stand in front of Yuri

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