Glory to Academy

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No one Pov

Sander Lp 2000-2000=0 Sander Loses

Sander: Damm you, YOU TURNED ON ME

Gong: Why would BB defeat his ally

Yuya: is he?

BB instantly starts jumping to Sander

Yuya: Stop it!

Yuya is punched by BB

Gong: Yuya

Y/n: *Groans*

Yuya: BB you don't want to turn people into cards, do you? , you've don't want to fight-

BB: Shut up what would you know

Yuya: I do know because you're like me

Gong: That thing is like Yuya

Yuya: When you made those Fortresses I realised, it's like my goggles when my goggles were down even when people laughed at me or made fun of me, I could pretend it was happening in another world, you're the same right, those forts are to protect your true feelings

Gong: Gong Sees BB as if it were a threatened animal

Sylvio: So when Y/n destroyed the forest completely he became more hostile

Gong: BB ferocity shows great power to protect BB

BB: Yes it's right, I don't care about orders I never wanted to be in this stupid war, to begin with, I'll turn you into a card and escape,

Yuya: No!

BB: Then what are your hidden feelings

Yuya: I was bullied as a kid for my father disappearing I was mentally and physically bullied when Gong wasn't around kids threw stones at me saying that "I'll never be good enough to reach my father" Gong helped me from being bullied but it was Y/n who defeated those kids in duels and make them apologise to me...He was my emotional support too, every time I was down he could just tell and he would pry and pry until I told him and when I did he would always try and fix it no matter the damage to himself...I fell in love with Y/n-

Academy Soldier: Enough!, Card the Sander

Yuya: Why?!

Sylvio: They don't care that they're trapping someone in a piece of paper to become fuel for the devil

Gong: Gong wonders what are the Academy teachings

Sander: Very it! Even it was a surprise attack it still means I lost

BB: Always so noble

Sander: Let me tell you this

BB: What?

Sander: I had a deeper meaning for this strategy...when you were just a beast who was starved of battle that would turn everyone to cards I sent five elite duellists I had raised to make you the ultimate warrior I thought it would be able to Defeat Yuya Sakaki and get Y/n, you are the most powerful and evil beast I have produced and if you fail to defeat Yuya Sakaki the two demons will be after you and you won't live

BB jumped back to the fort

BB: The effect of Gladiator's Beats Fort once per turn by returning a monster to my deck I can deal you 1000 points of damage I Send Augustus to my deck to deal Yuya 1000 points of damage

Gong: Yuya only has 100 life points

Yuya: I activate the action spell Acceleration it reduces effect damage to zero

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