Gong vs Crow

467 10 0

Y/n: So, Gong and Crow are going to fight off

Y/n(Synchro) POV

Y/n(Synchro): Yo, 4 kids spectator tickets

Guard: Go in your lot

Melissa: City's biggest duel event, the friendship cup is about to begin will the first winner be Crow or Gong

RandomTopsider: Jack Atlas is the Tops Hero's you could not lump him in with them

RandomCommoner: King my ass, he's a traitor

RandomCommoner2: Jack is the Commoners Hero's

Melissa: Were none of you listening to me

Gong: What's going on at this tournament

Melissa: Were starting now Action Field on-field spell crossover acceleration

Amanda: Thanks for getting us these seats

Y/n(Synchro): No worries Amanda, next time you want to see Crow just ask I'll put it on the Television

Melissa: Crow is slow, Will Gong be the first person around the corner, Since Crow is the first one around the corner, he gets the first turn

Crowd: Jack...Jack

Melissa: I'm trying to make this exciting

Tennon: How old is melissa again?

Y/n: 24 I think

Crow: My turn, when there are no cards on the field, I can special summon black wing Gust the black burst from my hand when a black wing Is on the field I can special summon Tuner Monster black wing- Oroshi the squall from my hand, Level 1 Oroshi the squall tunes level 2 Gust the Black blast, Ebony wings piece the heaven and soar Synchro Summon come out Assault Blacking Kuniyoshi the white Rainbow

Gong: Completing a synchro summon in the first turn, you're a worthy opponent

Crow: Once per turn Kuniyoshi the white rainbow lets me send one Blackwing to the graveyard and deal you 300 points of damage

Melissa: On his first turn, Crow Hogan uses a monster effect to deal damage

Crow: I summon the tuner monster Blackwing- Blizzard the far north when I successfully summon this card, I can special summon one black wing if it's level 4 or below from the graveyard I special summon black wing---Jetstream the blue sky which I send to the graveyard, Level 2 blizzard the far north tunes level 1 Jetstream the blue sky Synchro Summon appear Kunisada the white rainbow

Gong: 2 Synchro monsters

Crow: Once per turn, Kunisada the white rainbow can return one black wing, Level 3 or below from my graveyard to my hand increasing the attack points of Synchro Summoned Black wings their attack points increase by blizzards 1300

Gong: 2300 attack points

Crow: on the turn, I use this effect I cannot battle I end my turn

Gong: My turn, draw I summon superheavy samurai magnet from my hand when I successfully summon this card I can special summon one super heavy from my hand come out my second magnet when super heavy samurai magnet is on the field it's the only monster you can attack, in other words with two superheavy samurai magnets on the field they both protect. This is one form of immovable duel that I have chosen I end my turn

Crow: My turn draw

Melissa: Kunisada the White rainbow effects ends and their attack points return to normal

Crow: I activate Kuniyoshi the White Rainbow monster effect I send Blackwing- Harmattan the dust to the graveyard to deal 300 points of damage to you

Melissa: Crow is slowly chipping away at his opponent's life points

Crow: I summon Blizzard the Far North and activate its effect letting me summon Harmattan from my graveyard

Gong: Kuniyoshi effect lets him send a Blackwing to the graveyard, dealing effect damage and then special summon blizzard effect to summon that monster

Crow: Harmattan the dust can add the level of one Blackwing on the field to its own I chose level 3 Kuniyoshi the white rainbow now I Synchro Summon Assult Blackwing Rakiri the rain shower, once per turn Raikri can destroy cards on your field to the number of Blackwings on my field, There are 3 Blackwings on my field I destroy your two Magnets

Melissa: Gong's defence crumbled

Crow: I now attack with Raikiri the rain shower

Melisa: OH, an action card, He ignored it, he didn't use it

Gong: You did a good job of crushing my immovable defences but when I take battle damage I can special summon appear Superheavy Samurai Prepped defence

Crow: I end my turn

Gong: My turn I draw, I set the pendulum scale with scale 1 super heavy Samurai General Jade and scale 8 super heavy samurai General Coral I can now summon monsters between levels 2-7 simultaneously pendulum summon come out the tuner monster samurai trumpeter super heavy samurai flutist

The crowd went nuts

Gong: Once per turn Superheavy Samurai general Jade can increase the level of one monster on my side of the field I increase super heavy samurai trumpeter to 3, level 3 Superheavy samurai

-Skip, I'm tired(when writing this)-

Melisa: Crow wins the opening match with a dramatic victory

Amanda: Yay, Crow won

Y/n(Synchro): That was a good win

Amanda, Tennon &Frankie: Crow!

Y/n(Synchro): Okay you guys let's head home I'll get started on your lunch. You better win this Crow   

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