Stealth Warriors & Bracing For Battle

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Yuya: I wonder what happened?

Y/n: Geez if you think it's bad some of the judges think I cheated due to having a card that isn't in my deck 

Yuya: You always know what to do, to cheer me up (Kisses you)

Y/n: Y-Yeah no worry 

Y/n(Xyz): Someone's got a crush 

Yuya: Let's hope Zuzu wins 

(End of the duel we never saw, you all head back to You Show)

Nico: Alright Here we go 

Reporter: First Zuzu Boyle in You Show-

Nico: Let's make some noise-(Get's bonked)

Zuzu: I'm putting mute on that one 

Reporter: Next is another upcoming entertainer Yuya Sakaki the one who invented a new summoning technique who defeated Sylvio and Iggy

Zuzu: I know were rivals 

Reporter: 3rd is another duelist from the You Show who showed promising resilience and good Pro-material 

(At the 3rd round of the tournament)

Nico: Ladies and Gents welcome to the final round of the Arc-V Championship here are your remaining 25 duelists 

Zuzu: Yeah isn't Shay gone 

Nico: I hope your ready Ladies and Gentlemen because the moment the clock strikes 12, the action will begin 

(Mini skip)

Nico: Now on the mark get set, GO!

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