Pirate Solo

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Yushow: These are cheers for the both of you it was a brilliant show-

Dennis: No, I'll never join you I already betrayed Shay, Yuya and Y/n

Kite: D-

Dennis: Relax I'll tell you where Lulu is as well as Rin

Alexis: Rin?, the one Yugo and Y/n

Dennis: They're at the top of the towers, Rins atop of the east tower, Ruri's atop the West

Then a bright light engulfs Dennis and a card flows to Yusho

With you

Yuya: Guys any news?

Gong: Nothing here

Sylvio: Nothing here as well

Zuzu: We didn't find anything

Y/n: how is there not an unattended ship on a harbour

Then a shadow covers Sylvio, you look up to Celina

Celina: I know a ship come with me

Y/n(Whispers): I don't trust this


You all appear before some old-timey pirate ship

Sylvio: How could this thing make it to Academy shores

???: What did you say

We see some weird pirate

Sylvio: What's this?

Celina: This is captain Solo

Zuzu: I'm glad you're safe I've been worried after he sent you back to the Academy

Celina: After I was sent back to the Academy I waited to reunite with you guys then I received information that you had come to the fusion dimension to infiltrate Academy so that's why I came running I thought you needed the firepower

Zuzu: I see

Celina: Now, leave the rest to me! I know where Rin and Lulu are, so Shay and Yugo will be happy

Zuzu: You did all of that

Yuya: Th-thanks Celina

Y/n(Xyz): I'm highly doubting that she managed to escape and got that information all without being by detected by Yuri and our Fusion

Y/n: For now we have to play along

Celina: What's all of this thanks business I'm a member of the Lancers

Sylvio: Well said

Gong: Our bond is unseverable.

Helicopter sounds

Y/n(Xyz): A Academy helicopter

Yuya: Zuzu and Celina get back

Two Academy solider dropdown

???1: Give us those women

Y/n: Over my corpse

Gong: That's right-*Zuzu Screams*

You look over to see Celina have Zuzu in an arm lock

Zuzu: What are you doing let me go, Let Me Go!

Yuya attempts to run and save Zuzu

Pirate Captain = PC (Lol)

Pc: I'll be the one your fighting

Two of the Pirates wrap up Gonga and Sylvio

Yuya & Y/n: Gong, Sylvio

Gong: Let us go

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