Super Duelists

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???: I'm impressed. I saw how you stood up to those Sector Security goons to protect the kid any duelist who helps the helpless is okay by me you definitely got some guts 

Yuya: Sorry but who are you 

???: Welcome back Crow 

Crow: Sup, Amanda where's Frankie and Terron 

Amanda: New Domino, They wanted to help you scrounge up more supplies for a change 

Crow: Seriously 

Amanda: You coming in or what 

Crow: You thought we wouldn't be able to eat but now we can 

Amanda: Awesome, Tuna feast sandwiches coming up!

Crow: You 4 wanna join us for some chow?

Amanda: Of courses they do 

Crow: I haven't seen you guys here before, where y' from 

Yuya: Well actually-

Sylvio: Well thanks for saving your bacon 

Crow: Okay

Sylvio: I would've taken control of the situation, of course, but I guess leapfrogging across dimensions wore me out 

Crow: You leapfrogged from where 

Sylvio: Paradise city, I'm Sylvio Sawatari and back in the standard dimension I'm a duelling superstar, and this is Y/n my personal assistant  and his girlfriend Yuya

Y/n&Yuya: What?! 

Sylvio: And this firecracker here is Celina she comes from a whole different dimension  

Crow: Oh yeah?, looks like when I picked the tuna, I brought a few nuts along too.

Yuya: look I know it's hard to believe, but we travelled to your dimension to find duelists who can help us save the galaxy 

Crow: Sure Sure, I can't wrap my head around your particular brand of crazy but you guys seem okay to me, if you guys need a place to crash you're welcome to stay 

Frankie: Hey, Crow you here!?

Crow: Yeah! what have you slackers been up to? 

Frankie&Terron: Ta daa!

Crow: Where did you get this stuff 

Frankie: From a cafe

Tennon: We ordered take-out 

Crow: What did make you think it was okay to start stealing 

Frankie: We wanted to pull our own weight 

Crow: and what good will that does you if it lands both of you in the Facility 

Yuya: Those coppers mentioned that place, what is it 

Crow: It's a place you never want to visit, let's say it makes doin' hard time look easy, it's like a home away from home for us commons, there are 2 classes of people in the city your either a topsider or commons topsiders live in luxury and have everything that they could need while we commons are forced to live in their shadow we're always struggling to survive, see we live off whatever we can scrape up. if you even try and question how things are run, Sector Security won't think twice about throwing you into the facility and marking you so that everyone knows you paid a visit there 

Yuya: That's terrible 

Crow: But for right now it is what it is, the important thing I that we survive which means we stick together and help any way we can, but that doesn't mean you should steal 

Y/n(Xyz): Damm this guy loves to talk 

Terron: Hey, how did you 3 get here so fast, and have time to change your outfits and hairdos?

Crow: Terron what are you talking about? don't interrupt 

Frankie: weren't you 2 like just at the café?

Celina: They must have seen Zuzu

Yuya: And the one who looks me must have been Yugo 

Celina: This café where is it?

Crow: Guys, what is going on 

Yuya: They saw our friends and we have to find them 

Crow: Sector security has you 4 on their radar now, if you go wandering into the city, they'll find you, so you stay I'll track them down 

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