The Bell

286 6 0

Synchro Pov

Y/n: Sorry that were late

Yugo: We wanted to save you as fast as possible I decided to prioritise the friendship cup

Rin: I don't care, duel me Yugo

You and Yugo are pushed through a glass panel on instinct you grab Yugo and you brace for impact and on the impact, you hit your hard resulting in an unconscious state

Yugo: That Hurt why would she do that...Y/n!

You were squashed between Yugo and the D-Wheel, Yugo places you gently down who is responsive

Yugo: Y/n!, Y/n!

Rin: He is a distraction

She checks your pulse...fine

Y/n: Five more minutes


Y/n: I'm up I'm up

Yugo: You must have hit your head hard

Rin activates her Duel disk

Yugo: Have you forgotten the feelings, time and effort we put into the duel wheel we couldn't afford one so we made one from scratch we studied save dour money bought all the parts and gradually put it together we said we'd enter the friendship and we'd win win our duels and be sent to the Tops then we could spoil Y/n

Y/n: Wait what?

Yugo: Uhh...We may have wanted to do a few things when we got to the tops

Rin: I don't care now let's duel

Yugo: Fine we've always settled arguments with duels.

Rin I'll go first I activate Chime of the Winds it lets me special summon a monster from my deck with the same name as "Windwitch-Ice Bell in my hand and I normal summon Ice Bell from my hand when I succeed in summoning this monster I can deal you 500 points of damage

Yugo Lp 4000-1000=3000

Yugo: geez I prefer the warmth

Y/n: How many times have we felt that cards effect

You activate the back compartment and move the Helmet and grab a replica of the Duel Disk that's a spare in case the D-Wheels one broke

Rin: When there are two or more WindWitches are on my field I can special summon Wind Witch-Snow Bell level 1 Snow Bell tunes the two Level 3 Ice Bells Synchro Summon Windwitch Winter Bell and now Winter bells effect activates once per turn I chose one level 4 Windwitch in my grave and activate its effect I chose Ice Bell so get hit with 500 points of damage

Yugo Lp 3000-500=2500

Rin: I end my turn with a facedown

Rin hops on her monster and starts to go down the stairs

Y/n: Aren't you gonna go get her?

Yugo: You must have hit your head hard

You wrap your hands around her

Yugo: Now let's go get Rin! My turn I draw! I summon Speedroid Horse Stilts from my hand and its effect activates lets me special summon the Tuner Monster Speedroid Tri Eye Dice, level 3 Tri eye dice tunes level 4 speedroid horse stilts Synchro Summon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

Yugo & Y/n: It's the dragon we all loved to watch and you always said we'd win if we had it RIN!

Rin: I activate Lost Wind it negates Clear Wing effect and halves its attack points

Yugioh Arc-V  x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now