3 - Hyung's here

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Yoongi collapsed on his bed, exhausted from lyric writing. For some reason, he couldn't think of anything to write. He had sat at his desk, wondering about what to write. He had racked his brain enough to the extent where he felt drained of energy. As he dragged his covers, his phone rang. Yoongi sighed heavily, reaching for the phone. As he read the Caller ID, he realized it was Jungkook's school. Yoongi didn't really receive calls from Jungkook's school, which was why he was surprised. He picked up the call, answering it with a raspy 'Hello'. On the other line, he could hear Jungkook's gentle, sweet voice, now shaking a little.


"Yes, Hyung's here. What do you need?" Yoongi said, sitting up from his bed. The sheets fell from his bed.

"I don't feel well, can you pick me up?" He asked.

"Of course, give me a few minutes. Stay where you are, I'll call you when I'm there." Yoongi said as he slipped on a hoodie. Yoongi rushed out of his room, ending the call. He surprised Hoseok, who was staring at the ceiling.

"Where're you going?" He asked, sitting up.

"Getting Jungkook, he said he wasn't feeling good so he asked me to pick him up," Yoongi replied, slipping on his shoes.

"Want me to come too?" Hoseok asked, getting onto his feet. Yoongi turned around and shook his head no.

"It's fine Hoseok, just stay here and tell Namjoon once he's out of the shower." Hoseok nodded. Before Yoongi got into his car, he yelled at Hoseok,

"I'm trusting you!"

Hoseok nodded wildly and closed the door. He went back to staring at the ceiling again, forgetting what Yoongi told him. Yoongi got to Jungkook's school as fast as he could, calling Jungkook.

"Hyung's here, just have to check-in with the office."

"Okay" Jungkook replied, sounding relieved. "Oh, and-" Before Jungkook could finish something else he wanted to say, Yoongi ended the call. Yoongi checked in with the office, telling them he was taking Jungkook home early. The secretary found Yoongi a little suspicious, since he and Jungkook didn't look the same, nor did they have the same surnames.

"Who are you to Jungkook?"

She asked, looking at Yoongi right in the eyes.

"I'm his hyung from the idol group he's in," Yoongi said, trying not to cringe at the idol group. The secretary still found Yoongi suspicious, which Yoongi thought was reasonable.

"What agency?" She asked, to see if Yoongi was lying about the idol group.

"Bighit," Yoongi replied simply. The secretary nodded.

"Ok then."

Afterward, he called Jungkook again.

"Jungkook, come down."

"I don't want to."

"Don't want to?" Yoongi asked, a little confused. He could hear Jungkook take a deep breath

"I don't want to come down alone. Can you come with me?"

"Of course, hyung will come. You're in the nurse's office, right?" Yoongi asked, striding out of the office.

"Mhm," Jungkook replied

Yoongi hummed and walked out of the office and went to the nurse's room. It wasn't really that hard to find the room as the school had a lot of signs saying where rooms were. The office wasn't distant from the nurse's office, since it was connected for the staff. Once he found the room, Yoongi hung up and walked in and saw Jungkook sitting on the bed, still holding the bag he had puked in. His backpack sat beside his feet, looking deflated. His face looked deprived of color, but he did look like he was heating upYoongi could definitely tell that Jungkook Didn't look well. Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's puke bag and dropped it in the garbage, grabbing another one just in case he happened to puke again. He sanitized his hands before picking up Jungkook's backpack.

"Let's go, Jungkook."

Jungkook nodded. As they left the hall, he made eye contact with fellow classmates. They silently snickered.

"Don't mind them Jungkook. They're probably jealous they don't have a caring hyung like me." Yoongi said, later whispering he said it to scare them. Jungkook giggled, as a response. Yoongi smiled at him. Even though Yoongi only knew this boy for a few years, he felt connected to him spiritually. He really wasn't a big believer about soulmates, twin flames, and destiny, but in this case, he believes there's a possibility something exists. He glanced back at Jungkook, who was staring down at the floor.

"Jungkook, you okay?"

"Mm think so, still feel a little dizzy but I think laying down will help a lot."

Yoongi put a hand on Jungkook's back and led him out to the car. Once they were in the car, Yoongi, being the gentleman he was, opened the door for Jungkook and helped him get in and buckled up. He handed Jungkook his bag to place it at his feet. After that, he went over to his side and put the keys in the ignition. The car was filled with that comforting silence again. Jungkook looked out the window, his earbuds in his ears. Often Yoongi would check the rearview mirror to see how Jungkook was feeling.

"Tell me if I even drive too fast, ok?" Yoongi said. Jungkook nodded. As they reached the dorms, Yoongi helped Jungkook out, carrying Jungkook's bag. He opened the front door and went in. They both took off their shoes. Yoongi found a note by the jacket rack. He stood up straight and read the note. It looked like Hoseok wrote it, since there were emoticons all over the place.

'Yoongi hyung! I went out shopping for groceries. I took Jin hyung's car (don't tell him!) and went. Namjoon tagged along with me since he said he had to meet up with a friend he wanted to catch up with. We'll be back soon, I promise!! - hope ^^

Yoongi tucked the note in his pocket, turning his attention back to Jungkook.

"Let's go to your room," Yoongi said, motioning to Jungkook to follow him. Still wearing Jungkook's backpack, Yoongi pushed open the door for Jungkook. He cleared Jungkook's bed off, there being some trash and a pile of clothes. Yoongi figured he'd clean up Jungkook's side of the room. Jungkook laid down on the bed, sitting up and facing the ceiling. That's when the thought hit him.

"Sorry for being a nuisance."

Yoongi looked up from throwing Jungkook's clothes in the laundry bin.

"Nuisance? You? No, not at all." Yoongi said. "Don't worry about it. Just rest."

Jungkook nodded, closing his eyes. Yoongi checked Jungkook's temperature and saw it was slowly going down. He turned on a fan to make cool air enter the room and help the air circulate. "Would you like me to get you some water? I think that would help too." Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at Yoongi. He nodded.

"Yeah, a glass of water would be nice."

Yoongi went to the kitchen, throwing the last piece of clothing into the bin.

"If you can change out of your uniform. It may increase your body heat."

Jungkook nodded and bit his lip. He really didn't think he could get up at that moment but felt embarrassed about not being able to. He laid there for a couple of minutes and decided to just stay in his school clothes, planning to ask Yoongi to help him change. Yoongi left to the kitchen, to get a glass of cold water. As he was about to leave the room, he heard Jungkook call him.


Yoongi turned around.


"Could you..perhaps..help me change?"

1,260 words


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