16 - you do?

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“I love you.”

“What?” Jungkook asked, noticing Yoongi’s lips gently parting and closing as if he were speaking. Yoongi flinched, looking back up at Jungkook.
“Um, huh?”

Yoongi became flustered. He didn’t expect Jungkook to pick up what he said. Jungkook slowly got up from the bed, the younger’s hands slipping out from his grasp. He grabbed his suitcase, facing the door.
“Well, I guess it’s time.”

“Time for what?” Yoongi asked, clearly still flustered. Jungkook chuckled, fluffing Yoongi’s hair. Yoongi could feel the amount of pink on his cheeks rising rapidly. He felt that at some point, he might as well explode thanks to Jungkook’s sweet actions.

“Time for me to go, silly!” Jungkook exclaimed, smiling. His smile faded away as he knew Yoongi was going to be lonely. Yoongi’s face dropped a little, but he tried to hold his smile up for Jungkook.

“I know you’re gonna miss me so…” Jungkook said, his voice trailing off as he walked to his closet. He shuffled around in it, pulling out a cozy large black hoodie. Jungkook handed it to Yoongi. At that second, Yoongi’s face immediately brightened up, like a child when it sees candy. Yoongi sniffed it. The hoodie smelled like Jungkook. “Does it smell like me?” Jungkook asked Yoongi, smiling at him.

Yoongi nodded back, enthusiastically. Jungkook was glad to see the elder one happy like this. It warmed his heart very much.

“Jungkook!” Jin called from the door.
“Um, I guess I’ll get going. See you in 2 weeks Yoongi!” Jungkook said, trying to smile strongly as he left. He wanted to stay at the dorm, to help his hyung and cheer him on, but he wanted to see his parents as well.

Yoongi smiled back at him, waving vigorously. As the door got shut and locked, Yoongi still remained on the bed, silently sitting down on it. He inhaled the hoodie’s scent to cool him down. Yoongi flopped onto the bed, the hoodie draping his face. He sniffed it again, smiling at Jungkook’s scent.

He didn’t feel lonely at all. For the first few 3 days, he was fine. He continued working on his mixtape, getting most of it done. But as the days went by, he was missing Jungkook quite a lot.

He missed his smile, the way his eyes would light up whenever they held a conversation, or when they were alone. Those eyes alone gave him life and spirit. Yoongi collapsed on his messy bed, as thoughts of Jungkook wandered through his head.

He couldn’t wait to see the boy again. Jungkook’s voice echoed through his ears. He grabbed his phone thinking about calling the younger but then put the phone back down, figuring he was with his parents at the moment and didn’t want to bother him.

Yoongi ended up walking to the living room with his blanket, Jungkook’s hoodie, and pillow. Meanwhile, Jungkook couldn’t stop thinking about his hyung either.

For the first few days, he enjoyed talking with his parents and eating their home-cooked meals. Now he missed Yoongi more than ever. That night, he woke up, gazing out at the window.

He had a feeling Yoongi was also looking at the same sky as him. He held his phone in his hand, contemplating whether to call Yoongi or not. He had a feeling that his Hyung might be tired, and he didn’t have the heart to disturb him. Until he received a text out of the blue. It was from Yoongi, starting off with ‘hey’. Jungkook opened the message, reading it in his head. It said,
“Hey, jungkookie!”

Jungkook smiled seeing the text. It warmed his heart to see Yoongi text him first for once.
“Hi, Yoongi Hyung! I have some good news!”
“Really?? What is it?”
“Well, my parents ended up getting really bust next week so they said I could stay or go back, I decided that I didn’t want to be alone so I’ll come back early!”
Hearing that, Yoongi got really happy, excited to see Jungkook again. His face lit up, happy to hear that Jungkook was going to come home.
“That’s great to hear!” Yoongi typed back, smiling happily. “Now go sleep, it’s late.”
“You too, hyung. Sleep well!” Jungkook responded. A few seconds later, he went offline. So did Yoongi.

Yoongi felt happier and energized, sleeping well that night. The next morning, when he woke up, he cleaned up the dorm. He washed the windows making sure they were shiny. He wiped the tables, making them spotless. He folded any spare clothes or blankets lying around. Yoongi became a cleaning machine that day, spending his time making the house neat and cozy. He finished near the night. Exhausted for the day, he collapsed onto his bed, dozing off at once.

The next day began, and Yoongi woke up early once more. Today, he was going to go out to the store and buy groceries. He wasn't going to buy the normal amount as they'd have to buy for seven. Yoongi sat down and made a short grocery list of what they'd need for the next week of meals. He noted to get extra coffee and banana milk.

He aalo figured they'd have leftovers or eat out a couple times so the list was pretty short. After a while, Yoongi got dressed and headed out, wearing a mask to hide his face. He shopped at a nearby mart, stopping at a convenience store to buy candy for Jungkook.

When Yoongi got home, he put all the cold stuff up first then put everything else up after. He placed the candies on Jungkook's side table so he could find it when he went to unpack. It was going to be a small surprise, as

Yoongi knew Jungkook liked to eat something while playing video games. There were only a few days left till Jungkook would come back to the dorm, and Yoongi couldn’t wait. He looked around the dorm, wondering what to do with Jungkook once he came back.

There were so many possibilities, and Yoongi just couldn’t wait to try them all with his little one. He ended up going to his studio, having a spark of inspiration in him.

“Thank you Jungkook, for existing.” he said to himself, grabbing the notes that he had hid from Jungkook when he tried to look at them. It was a song about how he felt about Jungkook. The notes were rambles about the younger and how happy he made him. He wanted to make it into a song but knew he wouldn't ever be able to release it so it was his little secret for now.

1112 words
Posted 2-5-2021

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