Fancy Brudgom Part 3

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"So, Vivian, do you ever watch hockey?" asked Jake.

"No, I'm not one for sports" answered Vivian.

"Of course you're not" Jake said.

"My graduate student told me the craziest story about her family" Vivian started to say.

"Hahaha, that's hilarious. Hey, can you pass me the maple syrup, please?" Jake asked you. "Speaking of, where does the best maple syrup come from again?"

"Vermont. Oh, and Canada" said Charles.

"Canada? Oh, that reminds me. Weren't the two of you talking about maybe moving there?" you asked.

"Oh, yeah. We are so excited to start this new chapter of our lives together" Vivian said.

"Yeah. Well, although I have to say, as someone who's read many of the chapters in Charles' life, I wonder if that's the best thing for him" said Jake.

Vivian laughed. "That's so sweet of you to care, but... Chuck is excited about moving to Canada, right, baby?"

"Mm, mouth full. I love you" said Charles.

"But what about his job and all his friends and his Brooklyn-based pizza blog? Do they even have pizza in Canada?" you asked.

"Yes, it's puffier and it's sweet. It's called Manitoba sauce cake" Vivian said.

"Okay, there's no way Charles wants that" said Jake.

"Jake, I think you're overstepping here. Charles and I both want to move to Canada" Vivian said.

"Is that true, Charles? Is that what you want?" Jake asked.

"Uh, yeah. I want to retire from the force and move to Ottawa with Vivian. And frankly, I have no idea why you're getting involved. And no one asked for your stupid opinion" said Charles. "Vivi... We're leaving."

"Well, that went terribly" you said.


"I can't believe he's moving to Canada" you said.

"I know. And we tried to help him, and he fully threw us under the bus. So I quit as best man" Jake said.

"Jake" you said.

"What? I did everything right. You were there. I was loyal. I put up with all his dumb ideas, his spicy cake, his champagne made out of olives, reading his vows as a recipe. 'One teaspoon eternal love, a dash of peeing with the door open'" said Jake.

"Okay. That's hard to hear" you said.

"Yeah. I just don't understand why he's being so weird. I can't believe he would turn on me like this. He's not being himself" Jake said.

"Maybe because he's facing a terrible decision and he doesn't know what to do" you suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds right" said Jake.

"I think he needs his farm lover" you said.

"It's pronounced 'for-lohver.' I don't have time to teach you to pronounce Danish correctly. I gotta go help Charles!" said Jake, running out of the bullpen.

"I'll find out where he is and text you" you said.

"That would be helpful!" called Jake loudly.


You and Jake dragged Charles up the steps to Vivian's apartment building.

"Come on. There we go" you said.

Jake rang the buzzer. "You got this, all right?"

The door opened.

"Ah, hello, Vivian. Charles has something he'd like to say" Jake said.

"In case he tries to flee" you said, handing Vivian your baton.

Charles sighed as you and Jake walked away. "Vivian... We need to talk about Ottawa."

Five hours later, you and Jake were both asleep in Jake's car, waiting for Charles to come out of Vivian's apartment. Charles knocked on the window, waking both of you up.

"Jake. Y/n" said Charles.

You and Jake climbed out of the car.

"Hey" you said.

"How'd it go? Everything okay?" asked Jake.

"Vivian and I talked for hours. There's a lot more to discuss, but it's a start" Charles said. "You were right. She didn't dump me."

"You did good. I know you were scared" said Jake.

"Hey.. Your duties as best man and friend aren't over yet" said Charles, reaching to grab something. "Oh, and y/n, here's your baton."

"What? Whiskey and cigars!" Jake said, taking the whiskey from Charles.

"Thanks for being the best best man" said Charles.

"To the fancy brudgom" you said, holding up your whiskey.

"Ah! Ah, spicy! Why is that spicy?" Jake asked.

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