Unsolvable Part 2

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"Charles" whispered Gina as you and her walked across the bullpen. "What the hell is wrong with you? You told Hitchcock and Scully?"

"They were scary. It was like that moment in Planet of the Apes when the monkey talked. Look, I'm sorry. You let me into your special place. I messed up, and I'll fix it" said Charles.

"It's okay, Charles. You don't have to" you said as Rosa walked over.

"No! It's not okay. Babylon hath fallen. Charles betrayed us, and I will make him pay for it" Gina said.

"Gina, enough! Boyle needed a bathroom, so we told him about it. Just like I told you and y/n about it when you needed it. Leave him alone. He saved my life. Plus... He's pitiful. And his life is crap right now" said Rosa.

"Yeah! It is! Thank you, Rosa" Charles said.


"What'd you wanna talk to us about?" you asked as you, Rosa and Charles walked across the bullpen.

"Well, I got Hitchcock and Scully to promise never to use our bathroom again" said Gina.

"How'd you do that?" asked Charles.

"The Donald and I call it 'The Art of the Deal'" Gina said.

"I can't believe you gave up Wolfie" Rosa said.

"It was worth it. Plus, I'm done with wolves now. I'm into angry unicorns" said Gina, standing up and showing you a blanket with a red-eyed unicorn on it.

"If I was a unicorn, I'd never be angry" Charles said.


"Jake! Nice job on the case. Great solve!" you said at Shaw's later that evening.

"Thanks. What happened to your date?" asked Jake.

"Oh, it's here. Elliot's actually over there" you said, pointing towards Elliot.

"Nice" said Jake as Elliot walked over handing you a drink.

"Jake, this is Elliot" you said.

"Hey. How are you?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, I'm good" said Elliot.

"Attention! Everyone raise your glasses to the amazing Jake Peralta! Today, he did the impossible! He closed Case 52ABX-DASH-32QJ" Terry said loudly to everyone in the bar and everyone cheered.

"Speech, speech, speech!" said Charles, jumping up and down.

"Look, the real hero here is the murderer. Because without him, there wouldn't be a case" said Jake. "So... Here's to Nate Dexter, the murderer."


Y/n isn't here in this part by the way.

"What's going on with you?" Terry asked. "For the past two days, you've been telling me how amazing it was gonna be to solve this case. This does not look amazing."

Jake took a drink from his glass. "I don't know, man. I thought I'd be more psyched too. Maybe I just need a cooler case."

"No. That is not gonna work. You set the precinct record, you weren't happy. You solved an unsolvable case, you weren't happy. No case is gonna make you happy. Something's bothering you. And whatever it is, you gotta deal with it" said Terry.

"Yeah, well, maybe I can't deal with it right now, or... you know, whatever" Jake said, looking across the room to where you were sitting with Elliot, laughing.

Terry noticed where he was looking. "Oh. That's a tough one."

"Yeah" said Jake, sighing.

"But solving more cases isn't gonna make you feel any better. Having a drink with a friend might though" Terry said.

"Thank you, but I don't think another drink is gonna help. I think having a lot more drinks might help" suggested Jake.

"There he is!" Terry said. "So... Y/n, huh?"

"We're gonna need some shots" said Jake.

Three hours later, you and Elliot were sat at the bar, watching Terry and Jake drunkenly sing "What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man."

"Everybody comes around!" Charles said, walking in front of them.

"What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man" Jake and Terry continued to sing.

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