Det. Dave Majors Part 2

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You, Jake and Majors looked at the collection of baby masks in the back of a white van.

"Yikes. Look at all these baby masks. Looks like someone's due for a spanking from Papa Law" said Jake.

"Nice" said Majors.

"So the van was stolen from a rental lot three weeks ago and dumped here yesterday" you said, closing your notebook. "I'm going to go sign the van over to forensics."

You walked away.

"Hey, listen, I'm a member of this invite-only speakeasy called The Keychain. Want to get a drink there later? I'd ask y/n also, but I can only bring one guest" said Majors.

"Nah, it's cool: I think y/n's busy tonight anyway. A drink sounds good" Jake said.


Music played as Jake and Majors walked over to The Keychain. Majors knocked on the door and a part of the door slid open. 

"Password?" asked the guy behind the door.

"Tropical" said Majors, and the door swung open.

"Oh, my God" Jake said, walking into the club followed by Majors. "This place is amazing."

"Yeah, I come here after every case I solve, which means I'm here a lot" Majors said, sitting down next to Jake.

"Oh, nice. Every time I solve one, I go get a steak dinner. My cholesterol is uh-terrible" said Jake. 

Majors laughed. "Milo, this is my friend Jake. We're working on a case together."

"Yeah, and this is my friend Dave. We're friends. I'll have a-" said Jake, pointing at Majors.

"Oh, no. You don't order here. Milo makes you a drink he knows you'll love and then you love it" said Majors.

"Really? Interesting" Jake said.

"Barrel Proof bourbon, neat, orange soda chaser" Milo said, handing Jake his drink.

"Well, to the first of many hangs" Jake said, raising his glass.

"Yeah, totally" said Majors. "Listen, the reason I brought you here is, I want to ask you, what's the deal with l/n?"

"Y/n? Oh, no. Did she do something weird?" asked Jake.

"No, no, she's great. I just want to know if there's something going on with you two. You know, are you together..." said Majors.

"Oh, no, no" Jake said.

"Cool, when this case is over, I'm gonna ask her out" Majors said.

"Oh. You're gonna ask out y/n when the case ends. Perfect" said Jake, and drank everything in his glass all in one. "Oh."

"Yeah, that's a sippin' whiskey" said Majors.

Jake breathed out. "Yeah, it is."


Jake walked into the bullpen, placed his bag down on his desk, and the bag fell onto the floor. "Seems about right."

"What's wrong with you?" asked Rosa. "You and Majors have too much fun last night at 'The Keychain.'"

"Okay, it's a private bar, not a haunted motel. And no, I did not have a good time. Turns out he didn't want to be best bros at all. He just wanted to know if I was cool with him asking y/n out when the case ended" said Jake, crossing his arms.

"I thought he was dating that weather girl" Rosa said.

"No, he dumped her because she blamed Hurricane Sandy on gay marriage. Anyways, now when the case ends, y/n is going to marry Dave Majors" Jake said, sitting down.

"Why do you even care? You still like her?" asked Rosa, also sitting down.

"I don't know, we're friends. And things have been kind of flirty lately. Plus, we had this weird romantic moment thing-y at Charles and Gina's parents wedding" Jake said.

"Ugh, just say you like her" Rosa said.

"All right, fine, I still like her" said Jake. He looked around to see if anyone was listening. "Look, I've been thinking about asking her out for the last couple of weeks, but it's hard. There's so much build-up now, you know?"

"Not really. I don't ask people out. I just tell them where we're going" Rosa said.

"Great, well, it doesn't matter now anyway, 'cause I told Dave to go for it" said Jake.

"That was crazy stupid. Sorry. That was normal stupid. You should have told him to back off" said Rosa.

"I can't go around telling guys not to ask y/n out because I like her and I'm too dumb to do anything about it. I can't make y/n's choice for her. I stand with Wendy. Did I do that right?" said Jake.

"No" Rosa said.

"Oh" said Jake.

"Look, if you want to give y/n a real choice, you've got to let her know that you're an option. I think you know what you've got to do" said Rosa. 

"Yeah. Ask her out before the case ends, right?" Jake asked. "I just want to be extra clear. The stakes for me are through the roof for me on this one."

Rosa sighed, and walked away.

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