The Mole Part 2

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"What is going on?" asked Jake.

Charles answered. "Gina and I are casual lovers."

"How long has this been going on?" you asked.

"We hooked up once, last summer, and then the nightmare started again about a month ago" said Gina.

"Ever since then, it's been orgasm-city" Charles said.

Everyone apart from Charles groaned.

"Yuck, gross. Right, guys?" Charles asked.

"Wait a minute. You lied to me? There was no 'pizza for one' cooking class tonight. You've been lying to me for weeks!" said Jake accusingly.

"Yes, Jake, those were lies. But the way you looked at me when you thought I was a gymnast made me wish it were true" said Charles.

"You came into work with chalk on your hands, Boyle. I don't even know you anymore. I'm leaving. I just gotta get some old case files first" Jake said, walking away followed by Charles.

"Don't be mad, Jake. You still know me. I'm still Charles. I just have four extra sex moves. Five - Forgot about 'boy on top'" Charles said as Jake lifted the case files down from a shelf.

Again, everyone apart from Charles groaned in disgust.


"That was insane. I mean, who else is hooking up that we don't know about? Rosa and Terry? Scully and Holt? You and Hitchcock?" asked Jake as you lifted case files out of the trunk of your car.

"You need to forget about Charles, okay? You need to get back inside and put those files back? Wait, wait, wait. Why'd I get Hitchcock?" you asked.

"Because you two are similar" said Jake. When you looked mad, Jake said quickly "Thanks again for all your help. Okay, bye."

"Wha -?" you asked.


You knocked on the door to Captain Holt's house, Jake standing next to you, as Kevin answered the door.

"Kev!" said Jake.

"Jake, y/n,  it's after midnight. This had better be about a murder" Kevin said.

"No, I wish. Look, I'm really sorry, but we have to talk to Captain Holt" Jake said.

"You mean you have to talk to Captain Holt" you said.

Kevin sighed. "Raymond, your work life is here. Please, come in. Take off your shoes."

"Neither of us want that" said Jake as you and him went into the house and Kevin closed the door.

Holt walked down the stairs. "What is going on, Peralta? Hello, l/n. This has been a long day."

"Well, Internal Affairs caught me returning some classified files, and I am now the prime suspect in the mole investigation, and Miller said I would be suspended in the morning" Jake said.

"But more importantly, what does the 'J' stand for? James? John? Jo-Jo?" you asked.

"My middle name is more important to you than Peralta not getting suspended?" asked Holt.

"If it's Jo-Jo? Yes" you said.

"Look, I came here because we have to figure this thing out. Miller is sure there's a mole in the precinct, and the only way to prove it's not me is to figure out who it is" said Jake.

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