The Road Trip Part 2

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You hit the ping-pong ball across the table. "Come on, Claire! I thought you came to play!"

Claire, an elderly lady, left the table as Jake and Sophia walked in.

"Yikes. Where's Elliot?" asked Jake.

"He's in the shower. I said hi to him and we chatted for a minute, and I almost blew it" you said.

"I'm sure you're overstating that" said Sophia.

"He said he was looking forwards to a romantic evening, and I panicked and yelled 'L-O-L'" you said. "I'm gonna be weird. He's gonna ask why. We're gonna break up, and it's gonna be super messy."

"Just calm down. We're gonna get you through this. Here's the plan. The four of us will dine together and keep things super unromantic. I'm great at that" said Jake, with Sophia nodding.

"Yeah he is" said Sophia, and her and Jake high-fived.

"Wait, should we have high-fived that?" Jake asked.

"I don't know" Sophia answered. "Oh, also, if you feel like you're losing control, just say the word 'Jericho', and I'll pull out all the stops."

"Oh, Jericho. Safe word. I love that" said Jake. "All right, so after dinner, pretend you're sick and say you have to go straight to bed. Me and you have to pick up the perp super early, so you only have to act normal around Elliot from the elevator to the room. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yes?" you said.

"Yes. Say 'Yes, I can do it. I can be normal'" said Jake.

"Yes, I can do it. I can be normal" you said, smiling.

"There you go" Jake said.

"I can totally be normal" you said confidently.

Elliot walked over. "Hey, everyone."

"There he is! Elliot in the house!" you said enthusiastically.


At dinner, everyone was sat down at the table and Elliot said "Who knew a prisoner transfer could be like a mini vacation, huh? Hey, man. Thanks for telling me to come up here."

"Yup, that was great of me" Jake said.

"This place is really romantic" said Elliot, looking at you.

"Mm-hmm" you said.

"Uh, not that romantic, actually. The radiator in our room sounds like a woman screaming" said Jake.

"Yeah, oh, and there was a dead crow in our toilet" said Sophia.

"You should complain about that. Our place is really nice. It's got a fireplace. I'm gonna snuggle up next to that thing with you" said Elliot, putting an arm round your shoulders.

"No, I don't wanna do that" you said nervously.

"'Cause of the cancer risks" Sophia said, putting her wine glass down. "Most people don't know this, but sitting by a fire is actually worse than sucking on a tailpipe of a bus."

"Ah, because of the germs" said Jake.

"Fumes" corrected Sophia.

"You know, when we first started dating, y/n and I found this really nice B&B up in the Poconos. We got that sweet city employee discount. Remember that, babe?" asked Elliot.

"Elliot, think fast. Drink menu" said Jake, throwing Elliot the menu.

"Ow" said Elliot.

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