The Jimmy Jab Games Part 2

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Gina imitated a trumpet sound as Jake walked over to the board, which had pictures of the squad on.

"Welcome to the Jimmy Jabs. We play for pride. We play for the phone numbers of Rosa's friends. But most importantly, we play to watch Amy lose" said Jake.

"Nope. This is my year" said Amy.

"It's my year, too" said Scully.

"Please don't align yourself with me" Amy said.

"Neither of you has ever come close to winning" you said.

"You're exactly the same, just a couple of Santiagos" said Jake and Gina laughed. "But the real prize is the Winchester 3000, the only chair in the precinct with minimal staining, good lumbar support, and no broken rolly-wheels. Over to you, Gina!"

"Thank you, Jake. Okay, guys, as usual, the loser of each event is eliminated from the games. The winner gets a bonus in the final round. Our first event is... The Mouth-A-Thon. In front of you is month-old Chinese food from the fridge. Go ahead and eat as much as you can stomach. On your Mark... get set... Wahlberg!" said Gina, and revealed the food.

Everyone began to eat the disgusting food, and Charles immediately dropped out.

"Ugh! I can't do this to my mouth. She's the love of my life" Charles said.

"Charles is eliminated" Gina said.

"Ugh, I think this ball of soup is off. I'm out" said Rosa, looking in disgust at the pile of food that was on her fork.

"I can do this" you said, looking at the food, disgusted.

"Oh, great. Here, quick. Let me take a picture" said Jake, and you looked at him. "Oh, that's so cute. You've got a bit of mold on the tip of your nose."

You spat out your food. "I tried. I tried, but he's unbeatable."

Everyone looked down the table to where Scully was still eating.

"You guys know this is free, right?" asked Scully.


"The Jimmy Jabs have claimed its first victims. Boyle, you made no impact. Also, Detective Scully has had to withdraw due to food poisoning, which I think we all saw coming. Y/n has had drop out due to throwing up the food. Not food poisoning, but it was enough to make her drop out because she hates throwing up" said Gina, crossing out yours, Charles' and Scully's pictures. "All right, the second event is 'Bulky Bulky Run Run', the bomb suit foot race."

"Sure hope I don't sprain my arm during the race, 'cause I'm gonna be opening up a lot of doors for Katie on our date. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna be a gentleman" Jake said to Rosa.

"What are you doing, Jake?" asked Rosa.

"Trash-talking you while simultaneously proving that I will be respectful of your friend" replied Jake. "It's a tough line to walk. Gotta loosen up my flower-buying fingers. I'm gonna go nuts on the daisies."

Jake walked away, leaving you and Rosa standing next to each other.

"On your Mark... Get set... Ruffalo!" said Gina, and everyone wearing the bomb suits began running through the precinct.

They ran through the bullpen, through the bullpen and up the stairs.

"I'm doing it, Charles! I look cool!" yelled Hitchcock, as he ran upstairs, way behind the others.

He fell backwards, and landed on the floor with a loud thud.

Gina crossed out Hitchcock's name on the board, and the remaining competitors (Rosa, Jake and Amy), stood in front of you and Gina, in disguise.

"The next event will be 'Keep Your Cover.' Contestants must craft an undercover persona and talk to as many police officers as you can before being recognized" said Gina.

"Pregnant, nice... Means ya had sex" Jake said to Amy.

"Dam right I did. And I forgot my birth control" said Amy, and her and Jake high-fived. "I think the belly will draw attention from my face."

"Smart, like one big boob" you said.

"Jake will go first, then Amy, then Rosa" said Gina.

"Hey, before we start, can I talk to Jake?" you asked.

"Okay" said Jake.

You and Jake walked over to your desk.

"I know that Rosa said that you had to win to get Katie's number, but please let Amy win" you said.

"Why?" asked Jake.

"Because we always tease her about it, and then she gets upset and so on. Just, think about it" you said.

You and Jake walked back to where the others were and Gina said "On your Mark, get set, Paul Gosselaar!"


Amy walked out onto the roof where you and Jake were sat, talking.

"Jake. I blew it. I only got through to people" said Amy, taking off her hat.

"Oof. I got to six" Jake said.

"People are right, they ruin everything!" said Amy.

"Hey, wait, whoa, whoa! I wanna try. Let me be pregnant. Adorable" said Jake, putting on the pregnancy pad.

"I can't believe I lost again. I was so psyched up for this" complained Amy. "What happened?"

"Well... Maybe being so psyched up is what happened. Like every time we're doing police work, you're super-smart and you stay calm and take your time, but every time we do dumb games liek this, you get all frantic and act like a crazy idiot. My advice: Next time, don't act like a crazy idiot" Jake said.

"Thanks. That's surprisingly insightful" said Amy.

"Yeah, well, motherhood... Really opens a man's eyes. I finally feel like I'm part of something bigger than myself" said Jake.

"Peralta. What the hell? Where were you? I got eliminated. I didn't even make it past one person" said Rosa as she walked onto the roof.

"You're out? I'm in the finals" Amy said happily.

"And all I have to do to get Katie's number is beat Amy?" Jake asked.

You reached out to hit the baby bump.

"Hey! Don't you dare touch Y/n Junior" said Jake protectively.

You gasped dramatically.

"That's right. It's your baby" Jake said.

"Are you saying that I knocked you up?" you asked.

"You sure did!" said Jake, beginning to fake cry.

"Jake" said Rosa. "Can I talk to your for a second?"

"Yeah, sure. Hold that" Jake said, passing you the pregnancy pad.

Rosa and Jake walked inside, leaving you and Amy on the roof.

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