Chapter 15 - Part 3

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The morning sky was darkened with the iridescent colors of the Macoffies. Waves of purples turning green crashed into pinks and violets creating a vortex of swirls of color. It was their mating dance. A simple yet aggressive display of speed and power that came unexpectedly with their elegant appearance. It seems the mating season came early due to the untimely shift in temperature. Everybody had noticed it was unusually hot for this time of the year. But, in truth, no one complained as they welcomed the warmth of the sun after such a harsh winter. While the multicolored display was enjoyable to most, to Tasgal, who seemed to lack even the smallest droplet of luck, was nothing but a nuisance. Ever since they have begun roaming the sky above the Academy grounds the little 'shit cannons' seemed to always target him. He now always had a handkerchief to wipe away the bird shit that clang to his clothes.

Tasgal walked towards his morning training while stuffing the handkerchief in his pocket. He waved and greeted all of his fellow Ash'en and teachers as he strolled on the stone tiled ways. He was quite popular amongst his peers. He never gave too much importance on appearance but as soon as he joined the Academy, at the behest of his master, Tasgal suddenly saw the importance of being pleasant. Everyone would dance around your finger, even the teachers would be more lenient if you had a nice face. This was absurd to Tasgal. He wondered if this was the reason his master took him in when he was a child or that he felt bad for killing his family. He never dared question his decision as long as he put food on his table. Tasgal understood that death was a part of war and an expanding Empire was always on the brink.

Tasgal also never thought his master would send him so far away or even to such a prestigious institute, if he was completely honest, he believed he would have cut his throat the moment he grew tired of him, but the years passed and he felt more comfortable along his master as time passed. Another curiosity was that his master sent his only son to the same Academy as Tasgal. Why? Could be anybody's guess. An equally prestigious, some might argue even more so, would be the one at the Red Keep, which would also make it right in his backyard.

Tasgal remembered surprise in Bras' eyes the moment he found out. Rage surged within the young man and stormed out of the giant manor destroying everything in sight. Tasgal understood why he was upset. Bras had always been a mama's boy, and his just as rich and cruel friends were all in Red Keep. But there was one thing Tasgal now feared, Bras was now unchained. No one had any real authority over him now that his father is not here. He could do anything he wanted with no repercussions.

Tasgal knew there was a reason for why his master sent him here. He knew he had a purpose. An important mission for which his master trusted only him as he was his closest aid and guard, after all. Maybe a bit too close, he often asked himself as he would aid his master. Maybe this was why he turned him away. But he soon brushed away this train of thought as he saw how pleased his master was whenever he served him.

Soon that purpose soon came to light. A few weeks after he and Bras arrived in Elo'yn and he had no choice but to stay at the Academy while Bras enjoyed luxury at the most expensive hotels and ins until the year began, he found a letter on his bed. Elation bubbled up inside,It was from his Master. With his fears at bay he tore open the envelope. It detailed the content of his mission: Observe and report. It was simple. He could not believe his master would pay for his tuition and stay for such a simple mission. He was grateful, as this path would secure a possible future of his own.

Tasgal truly believed himself lucky, well, at least until he met Haiden in the most embarrassing way. Tasgal thought back at the incident and cringed at the way he spoke and tried to act cool in front of this guy who he had just peed on. He just couldn't help it. At the time he didn't know why he felt the need to act like that. But now he understands. It was his eyes, he told himself. They burned like golden fire. Determined but scared.

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