Chapter 11 - Part 1

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The red sister ruled the sky bathing the land in a bloody aura. The usually soft shadows that elongated throughout the grounds of the Academy now were born out of the blackest depths of the abyss. There was no penumbra, no shade, just black and the ruby glow of the night. Every soul, be it civil or not, avoided the red nights. They were marked by inborn tragedy, marked by predators from the most primal times, as only killers stalked in its quiet darkness. Just perfect for mischief.

In a night like this, Haiden usually laid awake, haunted by painful memories, regrets, and failures. His eyes stared blankly at the now black walls of his room, fingering the scar on his palm. Were it not for the soft sound of a pebble hitting his window, he would have continued his self inflicted torment until daybreak.

Haiden, curious but fearless, got out of bed to check out who was calling on him on a night like this. He looked out the frosted window and saw no moving, or still, human, or inuman, figure. Before he could pass it as an abnormal gust of window that picked up a pebble and threw it against the glass of his window, another soft tap drew his attention, but this time it was paired with a voice.

"Haiden!" the familiar voice rang in his ears, confused, slightly annoyed at the late hour, but mostly delighted to hear Tasgal's voice. They hadn't spoken much ever since Bras had tried to murder them in the Backwoods. He had spent the night at the infirmary, and was gone before Haiden could come and apologize the next morning. Something inside of him, didn't think he should apologize, the whole situation should not have happened in the first place. But, he could not deny the fact that it was Haiden's fault for IT even happening.

After that day, Tasgal had bailed on their lunch; and the day after that. And the day after that. Haiden soon got wrapped into his first ever evaluation, where Master Rwoy, Omnellia, and Parvelle would decide if the students would continue their study or take supplementary classes. No one wanted to be left behind and they all had been practicing fervently and cramming until the very next day. To Haiden's surprise the evaluation began with a written test, on all minor spells, and the second part they drew a piece of paper from a bowl with the name of a spell and they would have to do that for the three Masters. It wasn't at all the complicated matter Haiden had believed, his plan of using the spells synergistically was not needed. He had drew the Minor Liquify spell which was a breeze for him. Everyone asides for Maree and a few had passed. Maree had drew the Synthesis spells, the one he was dreading the most. Luckily for him, he would only take the additional classes for two weeks, so lunch had been restricted between him and Camila.

As much as he tried to lie to himself, he had missed Tasgal. So, now, was a moment to spend some much wanted time together.

The voice came again but this time asked Haiden to meet him outside on the lawn outside the dormitory. He had never, in his short career as a student at the Academy, had dressed so fast.

With keen eyes blazing and anticipation churning in his stomach he went outside to see Tasgal.

Outside, the dead lawn, waiting to be reborn in the coming Spring, was like a sea of tar in the reddish light of the moon. Nothing moved, not even the wind. Though the cold was visible from the skeletal shrubs lining the walkways that were now encased in delicate red glass.

Something rustled behind him, startling him slightly, only to be reaffirmed by the thought of seeing Tasgal. But, the cloaked figure that approached couldn't be him. The approaching person wasn't as tall, and he would never wear a cloak covering his face. Soon, another cloaked figure appeared, and then another.

Haiden was surrounded by a dozen or so people, who hid their identity. But he had an inkling of who some of them might be. He stood his ground, drawing on his fios to quickly raise a barrier if needed. Haiden waited, silent, for them to speak first. They took their time, trying to intimidate him, and it worked. He didn't know how well he would fare against so many people, but he was tired of giving them way and ignoring their behaviour. After that night everyone except for Maree and Camila targeted Haiden. Not only with words of insult but with gossip, pranks, and sometimes even trying him to incite a fight in front of other Masters. Everyone, aside from his friends, stood with Bras, and they all saw Haiden punch him. Most of them believed that a death sentence was too kind for his actions, while others thought it was just perfect. Bras was, after all, the Emperor's nephew. Even if his father owed Camila, his power was beyond that of wealth. On one of his lunches with Camila, ...... had spit food at him that was so moist and disgusting it made him gag. He told Haiden he belonged in the den with the animals and slaves. It took everything he had to maintain his composure, as well as Camila beating the crap out of that young man. So, it didn't really surprise Haiden the amount of support Bras had. But that didn't matter when it came to skill.

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