Chapter 5 - Part 4

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["Free me." it said, in an icy whisper right in Haiden's ear. He turned around to see nothing behind him. He quickly turned again to the figure but it had disappeared. Haiden's blood ran cold and his heartbeat raced almost bursting out of his chest, but not because the figure had disappeared, but because of the voice. He'd recognize that voice anywhere.]

"Boy! What are you doing outside at this hour?" a round shape had startled Haiden making him jump back, it seemed to be made of blankets that could only be Master Uligarth.

"I-I thought I saw something." Haiden said in disbelief, rubbing his eyes glancing again at the tree.

"There's nothing else here but a loud brat. You woke half of the Academy with your shouting! Scoot you rascal, back to your room!" static surrounded Haiden as the man spoke, prickling his skin. He felt a pulling sensation and the dark surroundings moved past him at an incredible speed. In moments he had arrived at the entrance of his dorm.

"Fucking crazy old man!" he shouted and marched angrily to his room, while constantly looking over his shoulder. Haiden could not shake the feeling that someone or something was watching him. The voice he had heard moments ago was replaying over and over again in his head, 'Free me'.

It couldn't have been, could it? he thought. Finally changed into his sleeping clothes and got in bed. Haiden raised his hand looked closely at his right palm. He traced his fingers over it in the dark. He felt faint scarring in the rough shape of a circle. "How are you here?" A few stray tears escaped his eyes, memories flooding in.

Morning came fast with no warning. The loud voices of other students coming from beyond Haiden's door brought him out of his dreamless sleep but the comfortable warm bed would not let him go. He opened his amber eyes and was met by bright warm light. The noise outside meant that he had missed the time for breakfast, which he didn't care much for. His hunger was stifled by last night's events which left him wondering; 'How was it all possible?'

It's going to be a nice day, he thought lazily as his eyes trailed the green walls until his gaze landed on his wardrobe; he had to get dressed and go to class.

On his way to the history class, with Master Parvell, he met with Maree and Camila. Maree, as expected, greeted him with disinterest while Camila flashed him a bright smile. History class went excruciatingly slow while Master Parvell talked about how the Empire was formed with as much excitement as a toddler in a sweetshop. Sadly enough, no one shared his interest in the subject. The students lethargically scribbled bits of information on paper while their minds drifted somewhere else, some even groaned at the never ending string of words coming out of Master Parvell's mouth on the subject of how the Ashanti dynasty came to be.

Haiden's mind wasn't preoccupied by the Ashanti dynasty nor the figure he saw last night, but by a different subject altogether; Tasgal. He wasn't sure when he'll see him next, since he won't be in the infirmary anymore. Camila's words about Wielders and Ashen never really getting the chance to interact rang in his head Part of him was disappointed and part of him was glad Tasgal was feeling good enough to go back to his training. His thoughts were soon disrupted by Camila shouting his name.

"Haiden! It's lunch time!" she waved from the door. Haiden cocked his head to see her better and gave her a nod. Assured that he'll be right there Camila turned to chat with a fellow student.

"Hello nobody." said a voice behind Haiden. He turned around to see Brass, the young man who beat Maree the other day.

"What do you want?" Haiden asked, his brows furrowed. His head turned back to the doorway where Camila was waiting, but she had her back to him.

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