Chapter 27 - Part 1

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The sun began to set over all of Elo'yn and the bustle of the busy city toned down. Merchants closed up their shops, food vendors took the last orders, and brothers of the Order and guards patrolled the winding alleys and streets picking up anyone who loitered.

Deep shadows stretched across the city in a beautiful display of darks and burnt crimsons as the green sister slowly made her way on her throne of darkness.

On the Academy grounds, people celebrated with food and drinks well beyond the curfew, in the canteen for the Ashen and dinner hall for the Wielders. Master Uligarth brought his timsol, a chorded instrument that can only be played by a skilled Wielder, with enchanting and mesmerizing full tones that filled the room with odes of triumph and glory for those who have passed the Trials of Agility, although few, they were celebrated. Bras sat with Nolan and Malticia on one table, surrounded by people eagerly asking questions and listening to their overly exaggerated stories on how they managed through the difficult course while Justinia cried on her Ashen's shoulder with a blackened eye complaining how awful it was for her and wished she had never entered the Trials in the first place. Master Coner was too busy tending to those actually wounded and in need for him to help her with her black eye and she refused to let anyone without the proper skill even touch her; scared that they might ruin her beautiful face. The poor Ashen had no choice but to sit there and listen to her as she bawled her eyes out, preventing him from spending this celebration with his fellow Ashen in the canteen. Although he did not complain his face showed he would much rather be somewhere else..

Haiden and Maree stood on the other side of the room along with Camila, enjoying good food and drinks, their heads swaying with the music.

"I haven't heard anything like this before." Haiden mentioned as he took another bite of juicy roasted chickhog breast that was smothered in butter and herbs. The smell was incredible as it filled the room with a pleasant toastiness. Haiden tried to relax but there was something weighing on his mind that not even the music or delicious food and drinks would take away.

"The timsol is usually kept for important celebrations. I never knew that old fart knew how to play so beautifully." Maree said between breaths, he stuffed meat in his face as fat as he could.

Camila looked at him in disgust and said under her breath. "You know that its dead, it won't run away." And rolled her eyes. "You have to keep the tension in the chords just right with Wielding and project the vibrations outward, controlling intensity and pitch. This is why you can hear it as if Master Uligarth is playing it right next to you even if he's on the other side of the room." She added. "I myself prefer the Osen tail, It has a much deeper sound that touches one's soul." Camila mimicked with her hands the motions of how she would play the instrument.

"There are more?" Haiden asked, surprised.

"More?" She asked confused.

"Like that tinsel thing." Haiden replied.

"You mean... instruments?" Maree asked in disbelief. "Of course there are more! Have you been living under a rock!?" He began laughing but Camila's elbow to the side put a stop to it and made him choke. She gave him a disapproving stare and motioned with her head towards Haiden. "Oh!" He said in realisation. "Of course. Sorry, Haid. I keep forgetting your...uhm...condition."

Camila palmed her face and grunted.

"You don't have to apologize." Haiden was unphased, he was used to Maree by now forgetting he had lost his memories, most of the times it didn't even matter as he was learning so much at the Academy along with everyone, even he would forget at sometimes the overwhelming blackness of his past. Only for a few core memories that haunted him almost nightly. "It's not your fault the only songs I've ever heard until now were a few horrendous attempts from Regor he used to sing while waiting for the food to cook around the campfire." Camila and Maree laughed awkwardly feeling sorry for him. His eyes were looking longingly at the food, lost in thought.

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