Chapter 2 - Part 3

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[Haiden was now on his back on the cobblestone ground of the alleyway. Pain flared through his back. But it was inconsequential, taking a sharp breath he froze as he felt warm liquid on his thigh, the sound of burbling water was right on top of him. But it wasn't a roof drain. He was mortified.]

In Haiden's attempt to outrun the three thugs in the labyrinthian alleyways of Elo'yn, he had crashed into a man just as he took a sharp turn. The worst part was that the man happened to be taking a piss during that moment resulting in a heavy spray of urine in Haiden's general direction.

"Shit! Sorry!" The man quickly wrestled his cock away in his thick leather pants.

Haiden's mouth gaped in shock, his eyes quickly darting from the man's groin to his face, forming a scowl. Flush faced - from both embarrassment and exasperation - Haiden pinned his eyes on the man's angular face and sharp features, locking eyes with him only for the man to return his scowl with summery sky eyes. It seemed like an eternity of humiliation as he laid there at a loss of words and panting breathless from his run.

The sound of boots on the cobblestone woke him from his stupor, the man had noticed the sound of the approaching thugs as well shifting his attention from the Haiden.

This day keeps getting worse and worse, he thought and mentally groaned.

The thugs still chased after him. He quickly stood up on his shaking legs, leaving his trunk and backpack on the ground. Noticing the hilt of a sword at the man's waist he had two options; either pray his wielding will work this time or beg the man for help so, he made a snap decision seeing how praying hadn't helped in the past. He didn't want to face the guy that just drenched him in his bodily water, but what better alternative did he had.

Haiden rushed to face the man that stood two heads taller than him and swallowed the lump in his throat, feeling his face growing warmer. He couldn't look him in the eye so he just stared at his boots.

"Please, help me!" Haiden begged. "you've got to help me. They're trying to murder me." it wasn't necessarily an exaggeration, he didn't know if they'd just leave him be after taking his belongings, but he'd be damned if he'd give them anything from his precious trunk.

He felt the man's intense gaze on him."Uh...sure." the man nodded, the corners of his upturned lips twitched. Haiden felt relief surge through his body when he heard his low voice agreeing. "But you'll owe me, little guy." the twitch fully formed into a smirk.

"Owe you!? LITTLE GUY!?" Haiden could feel the moldy walls on either side of them spin, dragging him into a sensation of vertigo, he couldn't believe it. The audacity of the man gave him an ounce of courage to look him in the those blue summery sky eyes his legs still shaking from his earlier race. "You just emptied your bladder on me! The least you could do is help a guy out!"

"Services require payment, little guy. You should be thankful I'm even considering helping you out." the man said crossing his arms over his noticeably large chest.

"Now, listen here I –"

"You what?" he interrupted. "You crashed into me, little guy. It's not my fault I just happened to take a leak in the middle of your escape. Which has nothing to do with me." he said accentuating his words by pointing at Haiden. "You want my help, I want something in return. Simple trade, right?"

Haiden pressed his lips together and screamed in his head. If only he could better control his powers, none of this would've happened and he would've just simply dealt with the three idiots with a simple push of his thoughts. But, this wasn't an option now and the time was running out, the footsteps were approaching fast.

COMPLETED Remembrance of Self | Fantasy | LGBTQOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant