Chapter 12 - Part 1

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The Academy grounds were dusted with specks of green and signs of life. Early budding and grass began to sprout every which way. The skeletal shrubs that flanked the stone tile ways were no longer brown sad bones, they were renewed. Ice and snow dripped away into thin strands of trickling water along the ways.

Hidden could smell the early Spring in the air as he sat in Master Omnelia's class. For the first time in months they kept the windows open for fresh air. But in spite of the Master's calming voice and soothing atmosphere he was restless. Haiden tapped his boot against the wooden floor incessantly. Maree and Camila gave him annoyed glances.

Camila was trying to listen to Master Omnelia's teachings on advanced mote properties for Compounded Minor spells while Maree was plain annoyed. But he paid them no mind, he was lost in his own thoughts.

The class soon ended and Haiden left among the first. The threat of Bras had disappeared seemingly as through magic after he vanished more than a week ago. No one was aware of his whereabouts and if they did they kept their quiet. Haiden never gave it a second though, he thought it for the better. At least now he could relax, especially since he was bailing on his and protection by proximity to Camila and looking for Tasgal for the past two weeks. It seemed that this time, Tasgal was the one avoiding Haiden, and he was doing it with the expertise of a highly trained spy. He was invisible. After the first week worry had crept within Haiden that the man he was looking for wasn't even on Academy grounds, but quickly proved wrong by Vick, Kip, and Mav when he asked them. The only reasonable thing that came to Haiden's mind was to stalk him out. So, he had chosen the only place where he could blend in and hide and keep watch without being too obvious. The training pit.

For the fear of causing another incident Haiden decided to avoid any open area or seating space. Instead, he hid behind one of the six pillars that circled the wide circumference of the training pit that held the score boards. The rough stone was harsh and cold on his skin as he took a peak behind it at the two small figures battling it out. Haiden tried to keep his gaze at the faces of the fighters Creators knew that it was too much of an ask, especially since one of the men in front of him was no other than the Ash'en he was looking for.

Tasgal, as always, fought chest to chest shirtless exposing his overly worked and defined body. It was as if he was chiseled by the Creators themselves. Blood rushed to Haiden's head as he took in every inch of the man. The tight leather pants constrained his movements and creaked with each lunge or dodge but clang on everything that Haiden hoped it did. The gravel crunched under Tasgal's foot as he expertly reached over for his opponent falling to the ground and pinning him in a swift motion. The other man, just as trained as Tasgal, tapped the ground, groaning in pain as Tasgal was grappling his arm. Tasgal let him go and they shook hands with large grins on their faces exchanging a few words before grabbing some towels that were set aside. Haiden took that as his que and sneaked towards the side entrance, the one that led towards the Ash'en dormitory.

Haiden didn't have to wait as much as he thought until he was met with a partially naked Tasgal. For a moment Haiden's world stopped and all he could see was a pair of blues so clear his heart stopped. But the second Tasgal's eyes looked away in awkwardness the moment was gone. Both of them didn't say anything for what seemed like eternity until the other Ash'en passed them greeting Haiden in a hurry.

"See you tomorrow, Tas." he shouted over his shoulder as he went on his way.

"Haiden..." Tasgal broke the silence. Haiden didn't know what to say. For those days spent looking for him he didn't even once thought what he would say. The man had every right to run given the danger he had put him through, even more, making an enemy of someone extremely powerful. "I'm sorry." Haiden finally said and bowed his head in defeat. He couldn't force Tasgal to be friends with him, and of course he wouldn't want to be now after all that had happened. "I'm sorry I put your life in danger...again. I understand you don't want to be friends anymore," his stomach sank. "I will respect your wishes to stay away. I just wanted to make sure you're alright and Bras hasn't targeted you too, he's been - "

COMPLETED Remembrance of Self | Fantasy | LGBTQTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon