Chapter 12 - Part 4

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[Haiden and Maree managed to stifle a laugh with a jab from Camila and they went back to work. For the first time in a while, Haiden wasn't the one passing our in class.

Suits her right for all those rumors likes to spread.]

The green sister ruled mighty and calm in the night sky, shining her soft light over everything she saw. The tranquility she brought to the dominion of darkness was felt in every living thing, even the wind. Such stillness was present even in the buildings of the Academy with every light in the Wielder dormitory snuffed out except for one.

Haiden was reading up on more complicated reactions as a single thought nagged at his mind. How would he sneak into the Headmistress' office without being noticed. He was no highborn for Master Uligarth to ignore roaming the corridors during the night. He didn't know if the other Master Wielders patrolled the halls of the white castle. It was risky, it could cost him everything, but he had to. The two people that might know something refused to tell him anything, and so he had to take the matter into his own hands. He felt guild bubbling in him as he was betraying Tasgal's trust, but there was no way he could let this go. This was his only chance. He pushed the thought away and concentrated on the break in. He ran several scenarios in his mind, but the only way in, the huge lift Master Wielders used to get the the upper restricted areas of the castle were loud and someone would definitely notice him if he tried. There was no other way to the last floor without it. Haiden was stumped.

"Fuck!" he threw his book to the side in frustration. "I should give up."

Screech thinks you fly is better. A voice called in his mind.

Screech? Where you've been? Haiden asked concerned. Again the creature disappeared without a word.

Screech limited, Haiden not give Screech energy as supposed to. He said in a pitiful voice.

What? Wait, did you say fly? He circled back confused.

If Haiden want s help, Haiden needs help Screech too! The creature did something that was equivalent to stomping his feet like a child throwing a tantrum in Haiden's mind, even though he lacked said feet. It was an unsettling sensation, but Haiden got the jest.

Alright, Screech. I'll help, but it won't be like last time, will it? He asked concerned, thinking back to the time where Screech almost left him unconscious in the belly of the castle with Master Coner.

No, this different. This steady, small. Help Screech be here.

Will it hurt? Haiden's brows creased and his amber eyes glinted in the the light. You won't try to get revenge on me for hurting you, will you? This was Haiden's biggest fear. He had hurt the poor creature spirit what ever it was. And he regretted his lapse in judgement and compassion. Not only did he fear Screech possible plans of revenge but he feared what he was capable of doing to someone, something that crossed him.He hoped he will show restraint when it will come to the Trials. He already considered himself a murderer, he didn't need everyone else see him as one.

No. Hurt bad. Not hurt. No revenge. Screech understands. Screech forgives. That put Haiden's mind at ease. It seemed sincere enough to be trusted.

Alright, Screech. What do you need me to do? Screech approached Haiden and again placed a bony hand on his forehead. He didn't exactly feel its touch, but the static was just as good.

See here. Close your eyes and see. Haiden did as instructed and just as he did the first time he discovered he was an Empath Haiden saw with his mind the Fios around him. He clearly sensed Screech as beacon of energy in the calm of night. Good good. Learn fast. Screech pleased. Screech placed a bony hand on himself and the other one he kept it on Haiden's forehead. See. it said. A line from where screech touched his etheric glob of a body formed through his arm into Haiden. It glowed a soft pure white, contrasting the shadowy blue appearance of the energetic Fios emanating from Screech.

I see it, what is it? He asked

Connection, eternal. Screech answered. The word eternal chilled Haiden's soul. He remembered how in the book about the Hundui people it said the spirit guides the priestess in life and death. You send energy through connection, small, insignificant for you, much for Screech. Haiden concentrated on the line and polled at his own Fios. Steadily he sent a fraction of his power through it just to see what it would do. He felt the static bubble up inside and through the connection it vibrated into Screech and for that second the connection was alive Haiden felt his mind clear, body strong, and Fios more potent than he had ever felt it before. It scared him enough to push back.

What was that!? Haiden opened his eyes to see Screech as normal with his hand raised in mid air where once was placed on his forehead.

Oh! Haiden not knows. Screech tells. Connection gives Haiden power and Screech form. Connection now weak. Not work. Haiden not give back. Screech needs to pool energy to maintain form, takes much time. But Haiden gets much back, power and knowings. Haiden was dumbfounded. In front of him was the answer to all of his problems.

Screech what knowledge? He asked further, closing the gap between them.

Screech knowings. Me share lots, but lots more are lost now. Screech not know if it return. He said sadly.

Knowledge like what you thought me last time, this? He relit his light to show him. Screech shook his whole body up and down as a nod.

Yes, much more. Haiden could hug the pitiful glob if he could. If it could teach Haiden spells, spells never seen before, he could easily defeat Bras and every Ash'en that stood in his way to get the title of Esquire. There was no in between for him. Even if he did defeat Bras but not get the title, Haiden would still be a target for every highborn out there. They could kill him and no one would bat an eye - except probably the ones who assured Haiden his education, which was still a mystery of its own. With that title he becomes untouchable, at least that was what he thought Master Rwoy had hinted to when he asked him to check the library on the topic of the Trials.

Let's do it, Screech. Once again Screech placed its hand on Haiden's forehead and Haiden saw the thing line glowing pure. This time he sent a constant stream of Fios. Not much, just enough to make the connection come alive again, vibrating through him and Screech. He felt his muscles getting taut and Fios within surging with potency. He also felt Screech gaining power. It's form became more present and he was aware of it even if it was out of sight; just like a third arm. Screech sighed in relief. Haiden felt its emotions. It had been worried that Haiden would reject it and ignore it. In time it would have shriveled into a vestigial specter attached to him losing the remainder of his memories. It was a sad way to go, and a terrifying way. No one wants to forget who they are, he thought in earnest silence.

How do you feel? He asked the creature.

Better. It said. It's voice no longer that of a prepubescent child, but now grown and calm.

You sound different.

Screech is different. No longer Screech needs to conserve energy to appear. It smiled, but somehow managed to disgust Haiden. He winced and a thought. He knew how Screech felt, did It knew how he felt as well?

Yes it answered. We are one now, Haiden. We feel same. Screech don't mind. Screech didn't look like this before. It said looking at itself. Haiden sensed self pity and sadness bloom over Screech.

What were you, Screech? How did you look like? Haiden asked intrigued. The creature took a few moments as it thought and frustration visibly built up in its shapeless body.

Screech doesn't remember. Long time ago, too long for the world to remember.

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