Chapter 25 - Part 3

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Panic instilled in Haiden as his breath was partially cut off, unable to take a deep breath claustrophobia settled in while being wrapped in vines. He squirmed and pulled as much as he could but he could not get free. He tried to scream in vain, the vines gagging him shut. They slowly tightened around the chest, applying incremental pressure.

Calm down. Screech tried to say in a soothing voice. Haiden didn't register what he said and Screech boomed as loud as he could in his mind. CALM DOWN ALREADY!

Haiden's eyes fluttered open, his eyes still obstructed by the vines, only a tiny gap allowed him take a peak beyond the snare, there was a pair of feet standing before him saying something muffled. Haiden felt a few blasts of shock, as if someone was attacking his green cocoon. The following blows brought him back fully from his state of daze.

Haiden concentrated his energy around the vines that were close to his face, forming balls of plasma. He saw the figure back down through the small gap. He manipulated the balls into very sharp blades and carefully cut around his face.

It came at the cost of a bad haircut but Haiden managed to finally breathe normally. He gasped fresh air as the vines fell.


"Maree!" Haiden lost his footing and Maree caught him.

"What happened, who did this to you?" Maree inspected Haiden for any injuries

"Master Rwoy. I fought him." Haiden avoided Maree's eyes.

"You idiot! You should've ran. You don't look like you're injured. Let's go" Maree pulled on his arm to help Haiden regain his ballance. "Can't believe you lost," he added under his breath.

"I can't compete with a Master, he has a lot more experience and skill than me." Haiden lied. He quickly dusted himself up and followed Maree. In truth he did not give his all in the fight with Rwoy due to three reasons, out of which the main one was that he didn't want to hurt the Master Wielder. Not wanting to reveal his spells before his fight with Bras, and not wanting to bring any further unwanted attention to him, especially from his classmates fell on second and third. But Haiden was too blind because of his friendship with Master Rwoy, he knew he wouldn't hurt Haiden, but he didn't expect his Master to go so far. The surprise and panic from that attack left Haiden unable to think. He was certain that Bras was far more experienced than him, and would not make such silly mistakes. He has been preparing for this far longer than I have.

"Hurry up, Haid." Maree urged. "Bras was on my tail moments ago. He's not as fast, but he was powerful."

"You clashed with Bras?" Haiden stopped and gave Maree a once over, his worries came through as soon as he saw his hand holding his side. "What did he do to you?" Haiden rushed to Maree inspecting the wound.

"I got cocky." Maree looked away, his jaw clenched. He was definitely pissed he had to run away. Probably the first time Maree had ever felt powerful, in control. And this was his chance to show his bully, the man that tormented him, a dose of his own medicine.

"Does it hurt." Haiden asked while he probed. Maree flinched and gritted his teeth but shook his head. "Suuure. I'm going to heal it."

"No! I'll be unconscious!" Maree protested.

"Relax, I won't fully do it, alright. Just enough to stop the bleeding and turn off your pain receptors temporarily. Alright?" Haiden took his hand and squeezed it to assure Maree he will be fine.

"I won't fall asleep?" He asked to confirm.

"You won't fall asleep" Haiden repeated looking straight in his eyes, then Maree nodded. The young Wielder covered his hand over the wound and concentrated deeply. He had to do this fast, Bras was on his way here and he wanted to move fast. He sent his energy into the wound and sensed just like Coner had taught them. He hated the man with every fiber of his being, but his knowledge was extremely valuable. He hated to admit it, but he was an amazing teacher.

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