Chapter 19 - Part 3

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Camila gave a big yawn as she watched Maree play with the little creature in his lap. The blue sister was still high in the night sky. Clear nights like these were Camila's favorite. The soft blue of the moon brought the stars around it to life with cerulean vibrancy while the red and green sisters only dimmed them further as if they would throw a sheer cloak over the sky.

"I'd love to watch you two play all night, but we do have early classes tomorrow, Mar." Camila said with another yawn.

"You're right." Maree smiled. It was strange, it was as if he genuinely smiled for the first time. Ever since Haiden met Maree he had never seen him so at peace and relaxed. He was on his guard, always ready to attack.

"Can you talk to him?" Haiden asked.

"Yes. It's weird, really. It's not quite talking, but I just feel him, and he feels me and we know what we mean. I can't describe it more than that." Maree took the little bundle of fluff in his arms as he got up. He hugged the creature tightly to his chest. It looked like he enjoyed it.

"Let's head back." Tasgal interrupted. "Who knows how much it will take us to crawl back." Everyone grunted and picked up their things, they flared out the stones just like before. Alva jumped from Maree's embrace and led the way with agile precision among the backforest's roots and grooves. "So, how was it?" Tasgal finally asked.

"Well, first, I have to admit. I thought you all were crazy and I just played along. Especially you, Haiden. It feels like I have just found a part of me I've been missing. Again, it's hard to explain, not sure what to say. I'm still adjusting to it so give me some time to learn more from Alva." he laughed.

"Your fios is much more calm now," Haiden commended. Instead of the fluctuating energy, Maree had a steady stream of Fios faintly being emitted. Haiden credited it due to his connection to Alva.

"I feel more calm, and if I'm honest, I feel more powerful." He made a motion with his hand and sounded out an explosion. "Like I can do anything I want."

'Dork." Camila laughed.

"How will you explain this to Rwoy?" ask Tasga.

"Oh... good question. I don't know."

"Just tell the truth?" Camila suggested.

"We'll get in trouble for sneaking out." Haiden rejected her idea.

"Well, we'll think about it when it comes. Right now I want to just enjoy the moment." Maree said with a smile on his face.

"Right." Haiden agreed.

Oh, oh! Might get in trouble. Screech boomed in his mind.

Glad for you to join us. Where have you been?

Just around.

You're getting better at talking.

Just bit. Need to turn left.



Damn it, Screech don't just pop in to cause trouble. Haiden swatted at the air imagining shooing Screech away.

Coming. Too late. Screech's presence disappeared. Haiden looked around but didn't see anything so he paid him no mind. Not even a moment later Haiden bumped into Tasgal's back.

"Ouch, whadye stopped?" he asked, rubbing his nose.

'Shhh." Tasgal raised a finger to his lips and whispered. "There are lights." He pointed to the left. The lights bobbed up and down and moved slowly. Haiden and everyone else in panic extinguished their own and crouched.

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